President Daddy's Excessive Love

Chapter 2219

"Director, you said you wanted to change the script. I think you have to change it." Although Cheng Qingqing doesn’t fight against others, she can’t be a sick cat when someone comes to bully her. Otherwise, in this circle, everyone will feel that she is bullying.

The director talked to her about the script before. At that time, Cheng Qingqing thought there was no need to change it. The original text was wonderful, but now, she wants to change it.

Cui ling’er’s eyes changed, pretending to be curious and asked: "director, who will change the script?"

"We’ll ask for the writer’s ideas." The director replied.

Cui linger’s eyes were stiff.

Cheng Qingqing looks back at her and gives her a good look, which makes her realize.

Cui ling’er secretly clenches her teeth. Cheng Qingqing won’t retaliate against her?

Li se stands not far away, watching Cheng Qingqing beaten, and her expression is very ugly. Cui ling’er is really arrogant. The director has said that she will deal with it later, and let her just pretend to be a fan. She is so serious that it’s too much.

"Qingqing, are you ok?" Li se quickly walks over and finds that Cheng Qingqing’s face is swollen on one side, and he is heartbroken.

"I’m ok, sister se. I heard that you are very familiar with the screenwriter of this play. Can you ask her to help change some plots? Don’t let me get beaten again. " Cheng Qingqing said in a low voice.

"I’ll ask her for help. Don’t worry. I’ll keep this account for you." Said lisser angrily.

As soon as Cheng Qingqing’s eyes and eyebrows are happy, she knows that Li se will definitely do something for her.

Cui ling’er walks over with a black face. Cheng Qingqing looks at her back and frowns.

It’s getting dark. Cheng Qingqing filmed an evening play. When she got home, it was already eleven o’clock.

She stepped into the side hall, and her heart beat quickly. I don’t know if Li Qingyan will come to her this evening.

It’s a shame that she is full of expectations for him. She is a woman.

Cheng Qingqing is walking upstairs with a shy face. As soon as she gets to the stairs, she sees a tall body standing on it. Li Qingyan doesn’t know when to lean against the stairs and coagulates her condescending.

"Back?" Men’s voice is low and magnetic.

"Well, why haven’t you slept yet?" Cheng Qingqing asks clearly, and her heart trembles.

"Have you had dinner?" Li Qingyan went down step by step with concern in his voice.

"Yes, I’ve had a box lunch in the crew." Cheng Qingqing answered in a low voice.

"Are you full?" Li Qingyan asked again.

"No, just a little." Cheng Qingqing honestly shakes her head. There are a lot of scenes in the evening. She only takes a few mouthfuls to get into the intense shooting.

"I’ll ask Uncle Gu to bring you something to eat." Li Qingyan doesn’t want her to be hungry. If she faints, he will blame himself.

Cheng Qingqing did not expect that the man feeding her is selfish, she looked at him gratefully: "good."

In a short time, uncle Gu brought supper, nutritious porridge and bread, as well as a bowl of fragrant and mellow chicken soup and two big chicken legs, which gave off an attractive aroma.

Cheng Qingqing looked at so much food, for a moment did not know how to mouth, this man can be good to her.

"Eat it." Li Qingyan sat on the chair next to him and took out his mobile phone to see the stock information.

Cheng Qingqing first drank a bowl of porridge, then chewed half a piece of bread, finally chewed a chicken leg and finished the chicken soup. When she finished eating, she had already supported.

After that, I didn’t control my mouth for a while. I ate so many things. I’m most likely to get fat at night.

"Husband, I’m a little full. I have to go out for two laps." Cheng Qingqing’s body management is still very self-discipline, but just now she didn’t withstand the temptation of delicious food, so she was greedy.

"I’ll go with you." Li Qingyan immediately put down his cell phone and got up.

"Good." Cheng Qingqing can’t refuse his kindness. She goes out of the hall. Meimou can’t help looking back at the yard: "the backyard is a forbidden area."

"It used to be. It’s not anymore. Let’s go." With that, Li Qingyan took her hand and walked towards the backyard.

"Husband, why don’t you let me go

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