Paintings of Terror

Chapter 222: 1/16 Second

Chapter 222: 1/16 Second

Everyone could hardly believe that the seemingly timid Lu Heng secretly took a picture of a corpse in a dangerous situation like that.

“Damn, you mean, you secretly took a photo of the deceased in front of that Master Shaman?” Wei Dong couldn’t tell whether Lu Heng was timid or too courageous. He had been standing next to Lu Heng back then and didn’t even notice he was secretly using the camera.

Lu Heng’s voice was still hesitant: “At that time, Master Shaman hadn’t come yet, and the crowd was quite chaotic. I didn’t even raise the camera and didn’t dare to look at the viewfinder. I just pointed it in the direction where Xiayu was lying and pressed the button. My hands were trembling at the time. I don’t know if it can bear such a slow speed.”

“What speed?” Wei Dong couldn’t understand, and Ke Xun and Fang Fei were also confused.

“I-It’s the shutter speed,” Lu Heng became even more timid, wondering if he had violated a certain rule in this world by secretly photographing the deceased. “I used a very slow speed, 1/16 second. In fact, it has already exceeded the limit of the safe shutter speed. At this speed, a tripod should be used. Plus my hands were trembling, so maybe the picture was blurred.”

“Oh…” Wei Dong didn’t know why he let out a sigh of relief, as if not being able to capture anything in the photo was something that made people feel at ease.

“Why did you want to take a photo of her?” Ke Xun asked.

The four of them slowly moved upstairs. When they occasionally meet one or two other people, they would tacitly keep silent.

Hearing Ke Xun’s question, Lu Heng seemed to have found his way again amidst confusion. His voice became firmer: “I wanted to take those pictures to show Shengnan. After all, it was the one work she cared about most, in case she wants to see it after we leave the painting…” Lu Heng’s eyes became confused again, and he scratched his hair, “I’m probably crazy, I actually took a picture of the heroine’s body for the author to see. God knows what I was thinking…”

“You just don’t want her to have regrets.” Fang Fei said suddenly.

“Yes, I don’t want her to have regrets on anything.” Lu Heng muttered to himself and nodded.

Ke Xun continued to ask: “What was the safe shutter speed you mentioned just now? And as for the 1/16 second, why would the picture become blurred?

The three of them didn’t understand the photography jargon that Lu Heng said just now. Everyone understood Ke Xun’s intentions at this moment. If Lu Heng was lucky enough to take a clear photo, it might become a useful clue.

“The speed is the click sound when we press the camera shutter. It’s also the exposure time. If the speed is very slow, the shaking caused by handheld cameras will affect the photo. 1/60 to 1/30 second can be said to be the limit of a safe shutter speed for handheld cameras, and that’s with a tripod for stabilization. Not to mention that the speed I just used was 1/16 second.” Although Lu Heng was timid and nervous, the words just spilled out when he started talking about professional photography.

Even though Wei Dong couldn’t figure out why dividing seconds into many parts would still be called slow, he still asked: “Then why did you still use such a slow speed to shoot? You know that your hands will shake when you are nervous.”

“Because under the circumstances at that time, the corpse was absolutely still but the surrounding people were moving. If you shoot at a slow speed, the ideal effect should be that those moving people around would be barely seen and only the corpse would be still and clear.” Lu Heng replied earnestly, “But at that time it was impossible to take an ideal photo, I just pointed the lens in that direction. I didn’t even have a chance to look through the viewfinder, and my hands were shaking. —It’s fine if it didn’t capture the scene. Shengnan will definitely not want to see Xiayu’s corpse.”

At this time, everyone had reached the ninth floor. Ke Xun stopped at the corner of the stairs and asked, “Does this kind of camera require film developing to see the photos?”

“Right, this is not a digital camera. We can only see the photos after they are developed.” Speaking of this, Lu Heng seemed to temporarily forget the dangers around him, and said with a little excitement: “I think this kind of delay is the biggest charm of photography.”


“I feel that the story of Xiayu took place in ancient times, and we can’t tell which era this building and these people belong to,” Fang Fei expressed her thoughts, “I can’t believe that there would be a film printing shop in such a building. ”

“What about outside the building? Maybe there is one outside.” Wei Dong felt a little regretful after he finished speaking. According to how the previous paintings went, this building should be the scope marked by the painting. No one could go out.

“Woo—” Luo Bu and his dog appeared at the door of the room.

Wei Dong: “I never expected that the first to welcome us would be Koharu.”

Luo Bu didn’t take it seriously and held the dog in his arms: “I don’t know why Koaru can’t bark, even my brother-in-law finds it strange. Supposedly if it can hear sounds, it should be able to make sounds. It shouldn’t be mute.”

“It’s already good enough that it can ‘woo’, after all it was an electric scooter.” Wei Dong said. “If I had known that I would have brought in the old stroller I had when I was a child, it would have at least been able to shout ‘reversing, please be careful’.”

“Don’t compare your ‘reversing, please be careful’ to my Koharu. It’s one of a kind.” When Luo Bu and Wei Dong went back to the room, all thirteen of them were there.

This room was very spacious, about 100 square meters large. The bed was a large communal bed. Du Lingyu said to Fang Fei: “The girls will be on the other side of the folding screen. It is good enough to be able to make a simple separation.”

Fang Fei nodded. These conditions here were much better than sleeping around in the ship cabin.

“This building is too big. We haven’t walked out of this courtyard after wandering around for a long time. Finding the signature is like finding a needle in a haystack.” Cao Youning sat on a wooden stool, a little discouraged.

“What has everyone heard about the origin of this building?” Shao Ling stayed in the room looking for clues just now, and he turned his attention to the members who came back from outside.

“Lantern Inn.” Ke Xun felt another voice ringing out at the same time. He turned around and saw that it was Zhu Haowen.

Zhu Haowen stopped making a sound and sat silently on the chair beside the wooden table.

“We didn’t actively inquire. We heard the name ‘Lantern Inn’ from other people. In addition to the Lantern Inn, there is also the Fluorite Inn.” Ke Xun continued, “If the Lantern Inn is full of lanterns, then the Fluorite Inn seemed to have no light.”

Mu Yiran nodded and turned to look at another group.

Qin Ci acted as a representative and said: “We tried to inquire as discreetly as possible. What is certain at present is that our Lantern Inn is a giant hotel, and the locals call it the Inn.”

Inn. It finally had something to do with the name of the painting.

Du Lingyu was very surprised: “Inn? Hotel? Why is there such a big hotel? And there are so many people.”

Qin Ci nodded: “If we guessed right, the world is divided into units of Inns. Because the outdoor environment is very harsh, people need to live in large groups.”

“However, once people settle down, it means they have a home. Why do they still call these places Inn? A hotel is not a home.” Luo Bu couldn’t figure it out, but only remembered hearing wives complaining to husbands in the TV shows he watched as a child: You treat our house like a hotel.

“We haven’t found out about that yet,” Qin Ci smiled apologetically, “In addition to Lantern Inn, Xiao Ke found out about a Fluorite Inn, and we also heard about a place called Cold Night Inn. These giant hotels are like small countries. They do not have a defined ruling class. Everyone seems to trust the shamans very much, calling them Master Shaman.”

Mu Yiran nodded slightly and got up to open the large wooden cabinet against the wall. There were various pieces of luggage inside, totaling thirteen.

“I would like to apologize to everyone here. We opened and checked all this luggage just now.” Shao Ling said.

People felt that there was no need to apologize for this matter. After all, these things didn’t really belong to them. They were just props temporarily arranged by this world for everyone.

“Are the contents of these luggage different?” Mai Peng asked, “How can we tell which luggage belongs to whom?”

“Will it let everyone choose the luggage this time too?” Wei Dong couldn’t help but think of the painting Pure Land. Everyone indirectly determined their own fate when they chose the props.

“No, they contained personal markings.” Shao Ling answered, “Some are obvious. For example, this earthy red cloth bag had a mirror inside with the word ‘Yu’ carved on the back. We believe it belongs to Du Lingyu. Some markings are less apparent. My bag has a small Xun. I learned to play the Xun from a teacher when I was young, so that bag should be mine.”

Everyone was very curious after hearing this. They wanted to know what attributes their luggage would have.

“Of course, we couldn’t determine the owners for some of them. You guys will have to check for yourselves.”

Shao Ling distributed the bags to several people, and the rest of the luggage remained on the wooden table.

Wei Dong held his own coarse cloth package: “I’m wondering, how did you know this is mine… Oh, this is certainly mine.”

Wei Dong held a thin notebook in his hand, which had various pictures. Most of them were sketches, including portraits of people, landscapes, and some funny pictures.

Looking at the cover of the notebook, Luo Bu couldn’t help but burst into laughter: “Brother Dong, you drew yourself so handsome~”

“Barely got one-tenth of my charm.” Wei Dong joked brazenly and took a closer look at the drawing of himself on the cover. ‘Light Inn Wei’s Art Collection’ was written on it.

“It seems that we are members of the Light Inn?” Wei Dong continued to flip through the pages, hoping to find some clues.

“We are indeed from the Light Inn. In the luggage, we found something like a customs clearance document, which recorded our journey.” Mu Yiran opened the “customs clearance document” placed beside the table: “This is a record of the past ten years. We have stayed in various Inns, sometimes for as long as half a year, sometimes only a few days.”

“Why did we leave the Light Inn to go to so many places? “Wei Dong had taken on his role and treated himself as a member of the Light Inn.

“We are supposed to be a caravan selling spices. We have a lot of spices in our big luggage.” Mu Yiran answered with his guess while opening a black bag in his hand: “I really want to know, who is the owner of this bag.”

The black package was opened, and there was a snow-white mask inside.

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