Necromancer: I Am A Disaster

Chapter 173: If They Are Stomped, They Will Still Have Lin Moyu

Chapter 173: If They Are Stomped, They Will Still Have Lin Moyu

The sun set in the horizon, and darkness took reign over the earth once again.

Lin Moyu returned to the encampment and saw Ning Yiyi sitting in front of the lodge, looking up at the sky.

She is muttering something to herself.

She seems to be counting stars.

After he got closer, Lin Moyu realized that it is not the case.

"Damned Moyu, Stinky Moyu, why haven't you come back yet."

"When you come back, I'll bite you to death!"

"I'll first bite your hand, then your neck, and finally..."

Ning Yiyi's 'fierce' appearance is very cute.

Lin Moyu reached her side silently and then asked softly, "What are you going to bite?"

Ah! Ning Yiyi exclaimed in surprise, her face flushed with embarrassment.

She didn't expect her muttering to be heard by Lin Moyu.

Ning Yiyi's thoughts spun rapidly, trying to change the topic.

Her big eyes lit up. She discovered that Lin Moyu seems a bit different from before.

He seems a bit more spirited.

Then, she guessed the truth of the matter.

"Moyu, did you find your sister?" Ning Yiyi blinked her big eyes and looked at Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu knew that Ning Yiyi is quite sharp, but he didn't expect her to be that sharp, "How did you guess it?"

"You really found her!" Ning Yiyi showed a look of surprise on her face.

Lin Moyu smiled and said, "Yes, I found my sister. I was talking with her until now, and so came back late."

"How did you find her, tell me!" Ning Yiyi pulled Lin Moyu aside and sat down.

Lin Moyu told her what happened.

That evening, the Shenxia Empire announced the criteria for the individual competition's preselection.

Everyone fell silent after reading it.

It goes without saying, but the Shenxia Empire's standards are very high.

Ordinary class users basically can't meet the criteria.

Those who can meet them are excellent class users, who stand out from among the 200,000-plus participants.

In addition, there was another huge discussion point, and that is Lin Moyu.

Everyone would like to know how Lin Moyu finished the preselection within one minute.

He was many times faster than the second place in the same grouping.

The Shenxia Empire didn't give a response regarding this.

The people can only look forward to seeing Lin Moyu's performance in the upcoming competition.

The following morning, the 100th class user competition officially kicked off.

The curtain of light covering the entire competition venue disappeared, and giant arenas appeared in everyone's sight.

The competition venue for below level 40 low-level class users has been divided into three sections, and each section corresponds to a different grouping, namely level 10, level 20, and level 30 groupings.

In each section, there are ten arenas. This means that 30 matches can be held at the same time.

Each arena is shrouded in formations, to ensure that there are no life-threatening situations.

There is also a large number of Healers on standby. Even if a participant were to lose a limb, they can help them regrow it right away.

The safety measures here were taken to the extreme, so that class users can put their all into fighting.

This is just the area for class users below level 40. There is also an area for high-level class users, and it has higher standards.

There are top Healers above level 70 standing in the air, ready to take action at a moment's notice.

"That's really extravagant!"

"The Shenxia Empire is indeed a powerful country. Its scale is far grander than that of some small countries."

"These arenas are built on reclaimed land. That's really amazing."

"You see, this is how magnificent our Shenxia is. Trifling Bongja and Sakura have to take the back seat."

The grandiose display of the Shenxia Empire shocked the world.

In the entire world, apart from Shenxia, there seems to be no other country that can achieve this degree.

The rules of the competition are very simple.

Two participants will face off. The winner will advance, while the loser will be eliminated.

At this stage, there are no points. There's only victory or defeat.

There is only one chance.

Just like on the battlefield, when facing Demons or monsters, you only have one life.

After announcing the rules, each team sent a representative to draw lots.

Jiang Taotao was the representative for Lin Moyu's team.

"We are No. 512, right in the middle."

In the level 20 grouping, a total of 1024 teams have passed the preselection.

Jiang Taotao drew the middle number.

According to the rules, their first opponent is Team No. 513.

The class users moved quickly. They were done drawing lots in just ten minutes.

Subsequently, the arenas were activated, and the formations droned.

Teams climbed the arenas according to their number.

Jiang Taotao said, "We have to pay special attention to Teams No. 18, No. 322, No. 599, No. 733, and No. 924."

"Team No. 18 is from the Eagle Kingdom, Team No. 322 is from the Shengdou Divine Domain, Team No. 599 is from the Sakura Kingdom, Team No. 733 is from the Fandi Sacred Domain, and Team No. 924 is from the Shengdu Church."

"These teams are all composed of level 29 class users, and the equipment they use is top-notch silver equipment. They possess great combat power."

After she went back yesterday, Jiang Taotao looked up information about a number of teams, and then called the others to discuss tactics. Meanwhile, Lin Moyu was ignored.

They intend to fight first. Once they run into a wall, it will be Lin Moyu's turn to take action.

If Lin Moyu were to take action from the get go, there will be nothing for them to do.

A few skeletons could rush forward and wave their blades a few times, and the battle would be over.

Lin Moyu let them call the shots.

The matches took several minutes on average.

The Shenxia Empire sent a large number of personnel to maintain order, including referees to preside over the matches. This is to ensure absolute fairness in the competition.

Except for equipment, other items can't be used during the matches.

Duan Gao hurried over and said, "I made some inquiries."

"Team No. 513 is from Xinan Academy, and their captain is called Luo Miao, a level 27 female Knight."

Jiang Taotao asked, "What else have you learned?"

"They have two supports, an Archer, and a Mage."

Jiang Taotao asked, "What about their levels and specific classes?"

There are large differences between supports.

Prophet, Elder, and Bishop are all supports.

Elder includes Spren Elder, Elemental Elder, and Shillien Elder, and they are collectively referred to as Elder.

The same goes for Knight. Jiang Taotao is a Spren Knight. Additionally, there is also Sword and Shield Knight, Mire Knight, Shadow Knight, and more.

There are a lot of classes, and they have slight differences. This may lead to errors in judgment.

The same is true for Archers and Mages.

In addition to classes, there are still levels and equipment...

If you know yourself and know your enemy, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

Under the premise that Lin Moyu doesn't take action, there are only four of them, and their average level isn't high.

They're already at a numerical disadvantage. If their tactics are also a miss, they will get smoked.

Faced with Jiang Taotao's question, Duan Gao's face turned sour, and he said meekly, "I don't know."

Miao Yu asked, "That female Knight called Luo Miao is very beautiful, isn't she?"

Duan Gao blurted out without thinking, "She's okay... ah!"

Amidst a cry, Miao Yu grabbed Duan Gao by the ear and said, "No wonder you couldn't find out anything. You were captivated by the girl."

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"She's not as beautiful as you, not as beautiful as you!"

Duan Gao screamed.

Jiang Taotao said in a dignified voice, "Yu, let go. It's really not easy to obtain this kind of information."

"The people who came to participate in the competition must be wearing Cloaking Badges. Seeing as we have similar levels, Detection is rendered useless."

"Its already good that Gao was able to find out as much as he did. Now let's discuss countermeasures based on this information."

Miao Yu finally let go of Duan Gao's ear and said, "Hmph. For Sister Peach's sake, I'll spare you this time."

Ning Yiyi chuckled, "Let's do our best. If we can't defeat them, there's still Moyu."

With Lin Moyu as their secret weapon, they can do as they please.

Giant curtains of light appeared in midair.

Information on class users in each arena is displayed on the curtains of light.

By reading the information and observing the matches, you can learn a lot from it.

The matches were held back to back, with teams either advancing or being eliminated at a very fast pace.

Some matches lasted less than a minute, indicating a significant gap in combat power.

As noon approached, it was finally the turn of Lin Moyu's team.

The team stepped into the arena. At the same time, their opponent, Team No. 513, also entered the arena.

One Knight, two supports, one Archer and one Mage -- this is a standard configuration and is the configuration that most teams have assumed.

As the teams entered the arena, their information was displayed on a curtain of light.

People with keen eyes spotted Lin Moyu's name at once.

"Lin Moyu, level 27, Necromancer..."

"I haven't heard of this class before. Is it new?"

"Necromancer, it seems like a Mage-type class, and it's really powerful."

"It must be very powerful. You can tell this from his previous performance."

Lin Moyu's name attracted people's attention.

His previous performance was too eye-catching.

His performance in the individual competition's preselection was really remarkable, which made people think of the team competition's preselection.

Many people believe that Lin Moyu's team was able to suddenly win first place all thanks to Lin Moyu.

In the arena, the two teams stood opposite each other, separated by 20 meters.

Jiang Taotao and the opposing Knight called Luo Miao both assumed combat stances.

The two Knights fixed their eyes on each other, filled with fighting spirit.

Luo Miao is level 27, which is three levels higher than Jiang Taotao.

However, below level 30, a difference of three levels doesn't constitute a crushing gap.

Jiang Taotao is not afraid of her.

The other party also knows that an edge of three levels isn't enough to determine the outcome, so she is also on the alert and combat-ready.

Except for Lin Moyu, everyone else has already finished preparing.

Lin Moyu took a few steps back, showing no intention of fighting.

This is what the team agreed upon. He won't need to do anything at the beginning

If they really are stamped, it won't be too late for him to step up.

With a soft sound, the match officially started.

Duan Gao immediately released his skills and applied status buffs, giving priority to Jiang Taotao.

Jiang Taotao let out a shout and quickly launched her Charge skill.

Luo Miao did the same. Her hair rose into the air, and she activated Charge.

Charge is the most commonly used skill of Knights.

Under the Charge skill, a Knight can move 20 meters in the blink of an eye.

Just as the two Knights activated their skill, Miao Yu also activated her skill

Skill: Wind Binding!

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