My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 121: My Wife

Chapter 121: My Wife

"I'll miss you too" Chance kissed her head, Samantha's arms tightened around him and she didn't let go.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" Chance asked her only to get glared at by Samantha.

Seeing her gaze filled with anger, he cleared the air, "I mean literally sleep not metaphorically" He cleared it and added, "Not that I mind metaphorical one too."

"For now, let's go with the literal one" Samantha said, she was feeling shy but she was fine with sharing her thoughts with him, she gained high comfort level with him.

"Haha, go, change and come" Chance suggested.

"Can we sleep in my room?" Samantha asked him as she wished to sleep in her room.

"Okay, go and change, I'll wear something comfortable and will join you"

Samantha nodded her head.

After a while, Chance headed to her home and joined Samantha in bed.

She hugged him tightly and rested her head on his arm and hugged his waist, "How surprised were you to know he is my father?" She asked him, looking into his eyes.

"I was honestly shocked, I tried to compose myself to not make the atmosphere turn weird" He lied.

"Dad and I live away from each other, but this is how we keep meeting. Those flowers he buys every day, it is for my mom. We built a grave for her here in San Diego" She informed him.

Chance stroked her hair, with his other hand, "Can we visit your mom's grave some day?" He asked her.

"Hmm, she would love it. If she was here, she would have definitely liked you" Samantha's eyes turned watery recollecting her mom.

Chance leaned towards her face and kissed her eyes; he was now even more determined to find Excalibur and serve him on a plate to his wife.

Samantha couldn't control her tears and she sobbed softly recollecting Sarah's memories and hid her face in Chance's chest.

Chance let her be and didn't stop her from crying, he kept stroking her head.

After crying softly for some time, Samantha fell asleep.

Chance kissed her head and promised her to find the man who killed her mother so brutally, he hugged her tighter and slept.

Next day they woke up due to the alarm set by Chance.

Samantha was in a daze as she just woke up.

"Shhh, sleep" Chance whispered in her ears and she slept. He removed his arm carefully which was below her head, kissing her forehead he again whispered in her ears, "Bye love, I'll be back soon."

He leaned closer to her and looked at her beautiful face, his sight fell on her lips. His lips moved closer to hers and he pecked them before leaving.

Chance already packed his bag, a day before. There was not much stuff to pack and he always preferred carrying less luggage. So, after freshening up and having his bath he prepared breakfast for him and Samantha before leaving, he left food for her in the microwave of her kitchen with a note to heat it before eating.

He directly headed to the airport and flew back to New York.

After landing in New York, he messaged Samantha that he reached as he was sure, she must be still sleeping and headed to his adopted father's home.

He and David decided to meet there.

When Chance entered the colonial style home, the memories of past flashed in front of his eyes. This was the house; he grew up in until he left for college.

During his holidays, he used to come back here as it was his home.

He walked around the place recollecting how he and his adopted father spent time together. It was here, that Chance committed his first murder.

After his dad's death, Chance never came back here. The memories which used to cheer him, started hurting him after his dad's death, and he therefore never preferred staying here and built a house for himself, away from this one.

He never had the heart to sell this place so he kept it as it is. Every week a housekeeper comes here to clean the place.

Chance walked towards his dad's study room, where the old man used to spend most of his time.

The study room was as it is as Chance didn't change anything there and it was clean too. He ran his hand on the table where his dad used to work.

"I knew you would be here" A voice startled Chance bringing his mind back to present.

He turned around to see David who had a faint smile on his face.

"I too miss that old man" David stepped towards him.


David patted on Chance's shoulder, "Now you have Bill, as your father. Don't get sad"

Chance finally smiled when he heard it, "True that"

"How is everything?" David asked him.

"Dude, it has been less than twenty-four hours since we last met" Chance reminded him making David laugh.

"Seems so long, I miss you dude, I too want to shift to San Diego" David exclaimed.

"Please no, let me live in peace with my wife, don't you dare third-wheel" Chance warned him.

"What a shameless guy. When you third-wheeled between me and Mia, what about that? At times when I used to talk to you at midnight, Mia even doubted me of having an affair"

Chance laughed hard, "Yeah, I don't want Samantha to go through what Mia went through" and winked at David.


"Now let's get back to work, I want to go back to my wife as soon as possible."

"Wife? Only a day it has been since you guys started dating and already, she is your wife?" David taunted him.

"Yeah, unlike you and Jack, I am not going to waste any more time." Chance declared.

David laughed, "You don't want to waste time or are you scared of the truth coming out, so you want to tie her to you as soon as possible?" 

Chance looked at him, his look clearly implying, David's prediction is on point, making David laugh harder.

"You are the worst person, Chance" and he stepped towards the chair where Chance's father used to sit and sat down, David turned on the computer.

"Is this computer still working?" Chance doubted how feasible their plan is.

"Of course, it does, once in every month I visit and check it" David informed him.

"Fucker, why did you never tell me?" Chance was surprised at this revelation.

"Because whenever I talk or mention uncle you get upset."


David then tried to access some important files but it was password protected.

He made one attempt but it failed.

"Chance, this file is password protected, only three attempts possible. I failed once; only two attempts left you have any idea what the password is?" David looked worried.

"What would happen if all three attempts are failed?"

"The information will be deleted automatically" That was why David was so worried.

"As expected from dad" Chance smiled and asked David to move, he sat there and after thinking for a minute, he typed something and the password was right.

"Wow, thank goodness" David was glad but his happiness didn't last for long as the document now requested for fingerprint scan.

"What the fuck?" David looked shocked as where can they now get Chance's uncle's fingerprint as that man died long ago.

"Chill" Chance then put his finger on the fingerprint scanner and it scanned it and then it asked for retinal scan, Chance let the scanner scan both his eyes and then finally the folder opened.

"Wow, I had no idea uncle did all of this in advance." 

"Yeah, during one of my visits, he added my fingerprints and retina. Only me or dad can access this computer" Chance informed him.

"You never told me this before"

"I didn't think it was important"

Whenever he used to visit, David only checked if the computer was working or not and he never bothered to access these files until today so he had no idea of it.

"So, that's why you decided to come here?" David asked as this work was something which he alone can do.

"Hmm, I was honestly not sure, but I had a feeling I need to be here for things to progress well. Glad I was here and we are able to access all these files." Chance confirmed.

"Wow you travelled for so long and spent so much money to only access these files" David helplessly shook his head.

"No, I did all of this to find Lucas' murderer too. This is nothing" 

"True" David too would have done the same for Lucas and travelled across the country to access a folder which could open doors for them to finally find who killed Lucas. 

David then checked the records and matched it with the month in which Sarah died as Excalibur ran away immediately within a month after that.

David then searched for the information of Chance's father wiring money to Excalibur.

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