My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 120: Business Trip

Chapter 120: Business Trip

"You are looking damn good" She said and tried to get a hold on her bag but he didn't let her.

"What now?"

"Praise me well, 'damn good' is not exciting enough."

"Chance, you are looking very handsome, you are the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen in my life" Samantha didn't waste her time in arguing with him.

"Good, now give me a kiss." 

Samantha folded her hands and looked very angry.

Chance gulped in fear and gave her the handbag back.

"Good boy" Samantha patted him on the cheek and the two stepped inside the elevator.

"You are so scary" Chance complained pouting.

"Hmm, if you act like this, then this is obviously how I will react" She warned him.

"You are bad" 

Samantha laughed seeing his face, which looked very dejected.

"I am sorry" She hugged his arm but he still looked upset, "I am sorry" She kissed his cheek and only then Chance smiled.

Samantha helplessly shook her head, seeing his actions.

The two then drove to Offside restaurant, which was one of the expensive and private restaurants in San Diego.

This restaurant, was designed in a way that it had mini private rooms separated by fake walls but the mini-rooms gave privacy to the people in there.

Due to the peculiar design of this restaurant, it can accommodate only a smaller number of people in one day.

With the amazing food this restaurant offers and the incentive of having private rooms, made this restaurant one of the popular places in San Diego.

Booking a table here is not very easy but Bill has his own connections and it was not difficult for him to book a private room for three people.

Chance and Samantha reached the restaurant fifteen minutes prior to their scheduled meeting.

"Hi, there has been a booking under Mr. Allen?" Samantha asked at the reception.

That was when Chance realized he never knew Samantha's last name. He never bothered with it and was surprised at this revelation.

Now, he was not sure if this truly was her surname or not.

The receptionist checked the records and directed them to their private room.

Chance and Samantha sat at one side of the table to let Bill take the one opposite them. 

Samantha's hands were sweating as she was very nervous. Only if she knew Chance and Bill met each other already and are aware of everything.

"Ms Allen, don't worry, everything will be fine" Chance assured her.

"Yeah, but wait, did you just call me Ms. Allen?" Samantha looked at him in surprise.

"Yes, you just mentioned your surname" Chance reminded her.

"Ahh okay" Samantha didn't realize this as she was really very nervous about this dinner.

"I think I am the first person in this world, who doesn't know his girlfriend's last name" Chance joked with her and she looked at him in guilt, "I am sorry I never"

"Chill Sam, it is okay. Samantha Allen, really suits you" 

Samantha awkwardly smiled, "It was Samantha Clark. But my parents who adopted me are Allens so I became Samantha Allen."

"Oh, I was Chance Torres, by the way, was adopted by my uncle and became Chance Miller" He too revealed to her.

"Woah, we have similar backgrounds, that is so weird" Samantha commented.

"Hmm, maybe that's why we connect so well" Chance shared his thoughts.

"Yeah, possible, we have weird things in common" She exclaimed.

Just then the door of their private room was opened and Bill entered there, dressed in a brown suit.

Unlike his regular self, Bill here looked well-groomed and more handsome than ever.

Chance was surprised to see Bill's refined look. Not at that he looked any weird before today but right now he gave scarier and more unapproachable vibe.

But Chance tried to look more shocked than he was as he had to pretend like he has no idea of Samantha's regular customer he met twice being her father.

Samantha looked at how surprised Chance was, his reaction was exactly like she expected.

The two people stood up when they saw Bill, who stepped towards them.

"William Allen" He forwarded his hand towards Chance who shook hands with him in a daze, "Chance Miller" He said.

"Have a seat" Bill said in his hoarse voice and the two people sat down.

Chance was speechless, so Samantha spoke, "As I told you, we are hiding from the world and therefore"

"Yeah, understood. It is really nice meeting you Mr Allen" Chance tried to act nervous.

'This Grim Reaper can be a good actor too' Bill thought to himself.

"Same here Mr Miller. My daughter here says you two are dating each other?"

"Yes sir, we are" Chance stuttered in between which looked natural.

Under the table, Samantha held his hand, as a way to show her support and to help reduce his nervousness.

Chance really loved her soft hands in his, he tightly clutched her hand, not letting it go.

Then Bill too pretended like he was meeting Chance officially for the first time and asked him some questions which a girl's father should ask her boyfriend.

The whole dinner went well and Samantha was relieved as Chance was indeed at his best behaviour and Bill too was very accommodating of Chance.

They behaved just like how they did last week.

Samantha was happy to see them bond well.

After a while, she excused herself and headed towards the washroom. 

Once she left, Chance breathed a sigh of relief, "Sir, you look so handsome in this suit, did you dress up so well for me?"

"No, for my daughter" Bill didn't hesitate in saying out the truth.

Chance laughed, "Nice choice of suit"

"Sarah, Samantha's mom bought it for me" Bill informed him.

"You might be really missing her, right now" Chance commented.

"Hmm, she would have loved all of this. Sarah would have immediately approved of you" Bill said but the sadness in his tone could be sensed, as he missed his wife a lot.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow to find Excalibur; I'll return only after finding out his whereabouts" Chance informed him.

"Samantha, knows?" 

"Not yet, after this dinner, I'll inform her I am going on a business trip for a few days"

"Hmm, okay"

After a while, Samantha joined them back and they had a great time together.

After dinner, they all headed back to their homes.

On way, Chance informed Samantha of his business trip.

"Sam, remember how you gave me a solution yesterday when I was worried about my job?" Chance asked her as she was the one who suggested he himself go and do the job his subordinates are not able to.

"Hmm, I do"

"Yeah, I need to leave tomorrow morning because of it" He informed.

Samantha was a bit sad he would be leaving the very next day, but she tried to look casual about it.

"Oh, by when will you be back?"

Chance smiled at her question, "Not sure, the work might take two days, or a week or maybe more than that" He honestly said as it was a task to find Excalibur.

"Where are you going?" 

"New York but depending on how the project goes I might have to go to other places."

It was true as first he would be going to New York and from there based on the lead he would get; he will go to that location.


Samantha was silent for a few minutes and so was Chance as he let her be.

"Will Carol too would be working on this project with you?" Samantha didn't wish to ask this question but she really couldn't control herself from knowing about it.

"Will you be jealous if she does?"

"Yes, I'll be" She frankly said surprising Chance, he chuckled at her reaction.

"Don't worry, she won't be anywhere near me" Chance assured her. 

"Will you call me every day?" She asked him.

"Do you want me to?" Chance smiled at her.

"Of course, I want you to" 

"Says the woman who gave me her wrong number and didn't share it with me until last week" 

"Chance, get over it. You have to call me every day." Samantha warned him.

"Yes boss, I'll call you everyday"

"Also, drop messages over the day" She suggested.

"Wow, if you liked me so much, why torture me all this while" Chance taunted her.

"You deserved this torture" 

Chance laughed and after a while the two reached their home.

"Good night Sam" Chance kissed her cheek and was about to head to his home, when she stopped him and tightly hugged him, startling the guy. But he was happy and he hugged her back.

"I am going to miss you" She said, unknown to her, she was getting more and more attached to Chance and now his absence was killing her. She didn't like the fact that he was going away for a few days on his business trip.

"I'll miss you too" Chance kissed her head, Samantha's arms tightened around him and she didn't let go.

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