My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 286: The Deal

Chapter 286: The Deal

Qi Yuan glanced at Kuang Huan.
Seeing the person in reality, he could perceive much more.

"Your aptitude is rather poor..."

Qi Yuan commented bluntly.

With Kuang Huan's aptitude, he wouldn't even qualify to enter the Shenguang Sect of Great Shang.

Upon hearing this, Kuang Huan's heart sank. He asked in a low voice, "How poor?"

"Very poor. Without some extraordinary cultivation opportunity, you'll likely be stuck in the Qi Refining stage your whole life."

"Qi Refining?" Kuang Huan had never heard this term before and pondered, "Is this... a cultivation stage? Could Mr. Qi explain?"

"There are seven stages in cultivation: Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Purple Mansion, Yin God, and Yang God. Qi Refining is the weakest, while Yang God is the strongest," Qi Yuan explained simply.

After all, the other party was a big client, and Qi Yuan was quite accommodating.

Hearing this, Kuang Huan's eyes lit up, especially when he heard about the Golden Core stage. His body trembled slightly.

"I wonder if, upon reaching a high cultivation level, one could... withstand firearms?" Kuang Huan asked softly.

"You lack ambition. Of course, it's possible." At the Yang God stage, a single punch could destroy the world — this wasn't a joke.

Not to mention, even a Nascent Soul or Golden Core stage cultivator could turn Qin Yuan into utter chaos.

"What about a ray gun?" Kuang Huan asked, his eyes filled with hope.

The ray gun was a special type of firearm. The technology behind it came from Canxing and was considered a high-precision weapon of the second tier from Canxing.

This gun was somewhat similar to the concept of electromagnetic guns from Qi Yuan's past life on Blue Star.

Instead of firing bullets, it emitted a beam of light. This beam had a unique penetrative ability, effective only on living organisms, causing radiation that damaged cells.

"I've never seen a ray gun, but it should be manageable," Qi Yuan replied casually.

The speed of a ray gun's projectile was extremely fast, almost at the speed of light.

Ordinary Yin God cultivators couldn't reach such speeds, but even if hit by one, it wouldn't be an issue.

And since the gun relied on human operation, a cultivator only needed to be faster than the operator.

Looking at the various firearms laid out on the table, Qi Yuan couldn't help but ask, "You're in the arms business?"

"Yes, just making some hard-earned money. If Mr. Qi takes a liking to any of these guns, I'll gift it to you. I'll also help you obtain a firearm permit," Kuang Huan quickly offered.

In front of Qi Yuan, he lacked the arrogance typical of an arms dealer and instead appeared quite courteous.

However, in those small countries, even when facing generals or other important figures, he often looked down on them arrogantly and was quite domineering.

"These little toys do have some use occasionally," Qi Yuan said, casually picking up a small pistol.

When traveling, a gun's deterrent power could sometimes surpass other means.

In his previous life, Qi Yuan never encountered guns. Holding one now felt like a child playing with a toy.

"I've never handled one before. This is my first time. Thank you."

"As long as you like it, sir," Kuang Huan responded with a flattering smile.

"Did you bring the money? Ready to make the deal?" Qi Yuan asked directly, taking the gun and getting straight to the point.

He came to meet Kuang Huan for two main purposes: first, to sell the "Super Invincible Explosive Art."

"The funds are ready. I can transfer them to your account anytime. It's just... the technique..." Kuang Huan hesitated.

"Once I get the money, I'll give it to you," Qi Yuan replied casually, taking a seat.

On the table were various firearms and several bottles of fancy, colorful beverages.

Qi Yuan grabbed a bottle of red drink and took a swig.

A spicy, sweet flavor filled his taste buds.

He put the red drink down.

"The taste isn't that great."

After drinking a lot of immortal liquids in the cultivation world, these fancy drinks tasted like diluted disinfectant.

Seeing Qi Yuan casually drink such expensive liquor, completely at ease as if he were at home, Kuang Huan gritted his teeth and finally said, "Ah Zhi, transfer the money to Mr. Qi."

"My account number is 47..." Qi Yuan recited his bank account number.

Kuang Huan sat next to Qi Yuan, cautiously saying, "Mr. Qi, your account has some limitations on large transfers. I can help upgrade it... if that's okay?"

Kuang Huan was an arms dealer but also had considerable influence and connections in Qin Yuan.

In fact, he had deep ties with some military forces in Qin Yuan.

What was called smuggling was actually clearing old stock for Qin Yuan's military and selling outdated goods.

"Sure." Qi Yuan didn't object to this and found it convenient.

In Qin Yuan, ordinary people's bank accounts were heavily restricted.

Daily transfers were not only limited in amount, but accounts could also be frozen at any moment.

However, with an account upgraded to a certain level, these issues wouldn't occur.

After all, a high-level account not only signified wealth but also a high social status.

Even if the bank's intelligent system detected unusual activity on such an account, it wouldn't freeze it automatically but would need to consult higher authorities.

Soon, Qi Yuan received a text message on his phone.

His bank account level had been upgraded.

And on the verified chat app, a friend request came through from a bank representative.

Qi Yuan accepted, and the other party immediately sent a message.

"Hello, I'm with Wei Qin Bank... Graduated with a bachelor's degree in finance from Kyoto University, master's degree from... I will be your private wealth advisor..."

Below the greeting was a professional photo of a woman wearing light makeup.

At the same time, a text message appeared on Qi Yuan's phone.

A sum of over 90 million Qin Yuan had been deposited.

"Mr. Qi, the money has been transferred. Please check your account!" Kuang Huan said, filled with anticipation and a bit of anxiety.

The money had been paid; now, the technique should be delivered, right?
But Qi Yuan was dressed simply, his clothes looking quite ordinary, like mass-produced goods. There was no sign of a secret manual or electronic device.

"Alright, turn on your phone's recording. I'll recite the technique for you."

"Recite?" Kuang Huan was taken aback. "No... manual or electronic version?"

"I made it up on the spot. Where would I find time to create an electronic version?" Qi Yuan shot Kuang Huan a sideways glance.

"Made up on the spot?" Kuang Huan was stunned.

Are you not even pretending anymore?

"This was made up casually by me. The value... I'm selling it to you for just 90 million. You're getting a great deal.

What? Worried the technique might have issues?
Relax. The techniques I practice myself were all made up by me, and they're fine."

Since he was a big client, Qi Yuan was very thoughtful and considerate.

Kuang Huan's mind was a bit scrambled, but he eventually said, "Alright."

"The 'Super Invincible Explosive Art' consists of a little over 1,300 characters, along with the method for circulating the technique. Listen carefully. If there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask."

Qi Yuan quickly recited the content of the technique.

Kuang Huan listened attentively, feeling that there was still much more to learn.

"Got it all? Any questions?" Qi Yuan asked.

Kuang Huan shook his head furiously. He looked at Qi Yuan and said softly, "Mr. Qi, didn't you ask me to gather some materials? The medicinal herbs are on the cruise ship now. I'll go organize them and have them delivered in about half an hour."

Kuang Huan wanted to leave for a while to take half an hour to find someone to verify the authenticity of the technique.

"Alright, hurry up. I'll go fish for a while."

The reception hall was spacious and even had a fishing platform.


Kuang Huan quickly left.
A few minutes later, in a large private room.

An elderly man with an extraordinary presence appeared, accompanied by several men and women wearing researcher uniforms.

Kuang Huan gave these people a portion of the technique's content for brief research and analysis.

The elderly man spoke up, his eyes filled with reverence, "These... just a few sentences seem to contain profound truths. At a glance, it looks quite extraordinary!"

The elderly man was a professor who specialized in folklore and similar subjects.

He was most skilled in dealing with mysterious and arcane texts.

"I've read many ancient texts and mystical scriptures, but none have given me this kind of indescribable feeling. It's strange... Is there some kind of special incense in this room?" the old professor muttered.

He had no idea that the cultivation technique Qi Yuan had improvised contained the principles of heaven and earth.

Such a technique, whether read, recited, or contemplated, could make people feel at peace.

Several young researchers also showed curiosity. "This... seems somewhat similar to martial arts, equally mysterious."

With the advancement of technology, martial arts had also been studied extensively.

Many researchers claimed that martial arts had no future, limited by the human body.

Practicing martial arts was less effective than getting a gene injection.

"This wouldn't be a martial arts technique, would it?" Kuang Huan asked.

The young researcher shook his head, "It's not martial arts. It has some similarities... in a certain sense."

Of course, that similarity was like the similarity between a squid and a mountain bandit.

"If you'd be willing to share the complete content, we might gather more valuable information," the male researcher eagerly suggested.

He seemed quite interested in the technique.

"No need," Kuang Huan flatly refused.

Even these experts and the old professor didn't find any issues with the technique.

He felt relieved.

After all, Qi Yuan had a certificate of mental illness.

What if the technique was nonsense? If these experts couldn't find any problems and said it was profound, then there shouldn't be any issues.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

His thoughts once again turned to Qi Yuan, the mysterious figure he had just spoken with.

Meanwhile, in a dressing room not far from the cruise ship, Wu Qi looked at herself in the mirror, satisfied with her appearance.

"This makeup isn't bad. How could those old women with their Botox compare to me!"

Saying this, she deliberately puffed out her chest.

Thinking of something, she gritted her teeth, slipped her hand into her dress, and pulled off a pair of pure white lace-trimmed panties, which hung at her pale ankles before being completely removed.

"Xiao Qi, hurry up, the big boss is here!"

The agent's voice called, and Wu Qi quickly replied.


She quickly tidied herself up and rushed out.

In the wide corridor outside, four tall and beautiful women were standing. Seeing them, Wu Qi felt a sense of inferiority.

She recognized most of these women; they were her seniors, and two of them were even international stars.

These celebrities had much more star power than she did.

Her pride and confidence faltered at that moment.

But she still held her head high, her gaze firm. Although these people had better conditions than her, she... was shameless and willing to lower herself.

The five of them stood together, chatting carefully.

Not far away, on the high deck of the cruise ship, a man in uniform watched with excitement.

"So many celebrities, look... that's Er Jian, the lead actress in 'Gene Crisis,' with those long legs and big chest, wow!" A man craned his neck to look into the distance.

Wang Xu also widened his eyes, "Huh, Wu Qi is here too; she was from our school!"

Wang Xu and Qi Yuan were high school and college classmates.

However, in high school, they weren't in the same class.

Wang Xu knew Wu Qi.

In the office, he had even boasted that a senior from their school had become a celebrity, and he would often run into her on the school bus.

"Truly envy these stars. Just a random outfit they wear costs more than I could earn in half a lifetime." Wang Xu looked on with envy.

Although his job was quite respectable, envied by old classmates like Li Yan, compared to stars like Wu Qi, he was far behind.

Their living standards and social status were on completely different levels.

Wu Qi could meet some important people, even powerful figures, while Wang Xu... could not.

"Judging by their appearance, they're probably attending a private banquet. Damn capitalists, damn second-generation rich!" The man beside Wang Xu had red eyes.

The shady dealings of the upper class weren't exactly secrets to the common folk.

Of course, there were still crazy fans. People needed something to spiritually sustain them.

Wang Xu chuckled, "Don't be jealous, just focus on your work."

They had come here to deal with a batch of sea monsters.

Last time, some smuggled sea monsters ended up on the Haixingya.

He represented the Maritime Bureau in retrieving them.

The person they were dealing with on the Haixingya was quite cooperative and gave him some of the sea monsters.

Of course, most were still on the Haixingya.

Wang Xu knew about this, but he had no objections.

If the leadership didn't mind, why should he?

Both men occasionally stole glances at the celebrities in the distance.

Unfortunately, their phones had been confiscated when boarding the cruise, otherwise, they could have taken some pictures of the stars.

Meanwhile, Wu Qi, unaware that an old schoolmate had spotted her, was now smiling shyly, mingling with her seniors.

"The boss who invited us this time is an imperial knight, a viscount, and yes, it's hereditary."

From the words of one senior, Wu Qi learned about the big boss they were here to entertain.

"A nobleman, and a hereditary one!" Wu Qi's eyes were filled with admiration.

In Qin Yuan, noble titles weren't easily acquired, and a hereditary viscount was among the noblest of nobles. In ancient times, they even had their own fiefs.

Even in modern times, a hereditary viscount entering the business world would receive tax breaks.

That's why many entrepreneurs or bosses were backed by a noble family in their business ventures.

A hereditary viscount was someone Wu Qi had to look up to.

At this moment, a whisper came, "Viscount Kuang Huan is here!"

Wu Qi and the others quickly looked over, seeing a burly man in a black jacket emerge. There was a faint scar on his face, which somehow added to his charm in the eyes of these stars.

Behind the viscount, there were eleven burly men, each carrying a black wooden box, catching quite a bit of attention.

Kuang Huan approached, and the voluptuous Er Jian immediately wrapped herself around Kuang Huan's arm.

Kuang Huan's eyes held a hint of pleasure. He scanned the women, all dressed to the nines, and spoke gruffly, "I have a distinguished guest. If you serve him well, there will be plenty of cash for you."

He didn't bother hiding his true nature in front of these people, acting like a brash nouveau riche with no noble grace or refinement.

Yet, when dealing with Qi Yuan, Kuang Huan was particularly cautious and restrained.

The female celebrities' eyes lit up, especially Wu Qi, who wanted to know if the guest of the hereditary viscount was also... a noble.

If that were the case, if she could latch onto them, her status could change in an instant.

After all, Qin Yuan... was a nation ruled by old aristocracy and one of the strongest countries on Gongxing.

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