Longevity: Starting from the Qi Tags

Chapter 96 - 91: Gift-giving! Life-saving trump card

Chapter 96 - 91: Gift-giving! Life-saving trump card

Chapter 96: Chapter 91: Gift-giving! Life-saving trump card

Translator: 549690339

At the foot of the mountain.

The two guards of the mountain path saw Jiang Yuan and hurriedly greeted him respectfully, “Greetings, Senior Brother Jiang!”

Watching Jiang Yuan walk by without turning his head, one of them couldn’t help but sneer and mumble to himself.

At that moment.

An ancient voice suddenly echoed out.

“Hold on a moment, young friend!”

Jiang Yuan stopped at these words and looked back to see Kong Nian appearing in front of him.

“Is there something you need, senior?”

Kong Nian pulled out a jade pendant from his body: “This contains all of my strength in one attack, you can activate it with divine sense if you ever encounter a life-threatening situation. As long as it’s not an enemy above the fifth level of the Divine Bridge Realm, it can save your life!”

Having said that, he threw the jade pendant over to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan quickly caught it, and Kong Nian’s voice echoed in his ear again: “Just drip your blood on it!”

After his final words, Kong Nian’s figure disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Yuan held the jade pendant, feeling somewhat moved.

After storing the jade pendant, he bowed respectfully towards the peak of the mountain, “Thank you, senior, for your kindness!”

Watching Jiang Yuan’s figure gradually disappear, the two guards finally dared to whisper, “What just happened?”

“Can’t figure it out! It seems like the Chief of Heaven Lead Peak holds Jiang Yuan in high regard, but they don’t seem to have a master-disciple relationship!”

The two of them exchanged glances, their eyes filled with confusion.

On the other hand, after Jiang Yuan dripped his blood to claim ownership, he put the object in his storage ring.

This old senior was indeed a good person!

If I have the chance in the future, I will definitely repay him, Jiang Yuan felt warmth in his heart.

Now with this trump card given by Kong Nian, he was filled with a sense of security.

A blow from the ninth level of the Divine Bridge Realm, this was a real life-saving trump card.

Jiang Yuan had met many seniors, but he had never seen anyone with Kong Nian’s level of strength.

Gongsun Zhi of the Sunset Sect, his realm was merely the third level of the Divine Bridge Realm. Bai Chi who guarded the techniques of the Supreme Mystery Sect was also on the sixth level of the Divine Bridge Realm.

From this, you can see how powerful this trump card is.

Besides gaining this, his Luck Power has also increased by a bit, reaching 699 strands.

Presumably, it won’t be long before he can add a new strand of violet luck energy.

Now, counting it all up, aside from the luck energy used on cultivating the luck seed.

His Luck Power has increased by seven strands a day. If you add the Luck Power harvested from Kong Nian on a regular basis.

He was growing at the rate of eight strands a day.

Once that low-rank luck seed blossoms.

It’ll be an increase of thirteen strands a day, which should allow an innate blue Luck Energy strand to upgrade in just over two months.

Shu Xiaoxiao, possessing a Golden Innate Qi Yun, provided an abundance of Luck Power.

The Treasure Pavilion.

Located in the market of the Supreme Mystery Sect’s Outer Court, it’s extremely bustling.

Everything from nine-tiered forbidden treasures to mundane weapons were on sale.

Not only that, all kinds of natural treasures, including graded elixirs, were also abundant.

It’s also the most conspicuous place in the Outer Court market because its business comes not only from the Outer Court, but also frequently visited by disciples from the Inner Court too.

Apart from the Treasure Pavilion, if you wanted to get natural treasures, you would have to go to the major states of the Qianyuan Kingdom or Yunxiao City, which was established in dangerous territories.

As soon as Jiang Yuan stepped into the Treasure Pavilion, he was instantly recognized.

A young girl hurriedly stepped forward to greet him: “Greetings, Young Master Jiang. What can I do for you?”

“Selling something!”

“Please wait a moment, Young Master. I will call the manager.”

Then she turned her head and gestured to another girl to invite Jiang Yuan to the VIP room.

She promptly went upstairs.

A moment later.

In the VIP room.

Just as Jiang Yuan was about to take a sip of the hot tea offered by the girl, an elegant woman appeared before him.

She said softly, “Greetings, Young Master Jiang!” Jiang Yuan replied, “How should I address you?”

“Just call me Ya’er!” She replied softly.

Jiang Yuan was speechless. Was it appropriate for her to be so informal, given her age?

Then he sighed and gently said, “Can you tell me how much this item is worth?”

As his voice fell, he waved his hand and a long saber appeared on the table.

The blade shone with a cold light, a crimson blood groove ran down the blade, it was extremely eerie.

Ya’er looked surprised, she took a deep look at Jiang Yuan and then bent down to pick up the long saber. A glimpse of white on her chest immediately caught the eye.

Shu Xiaoxiao, standing behind Jiang Yuan, couldn’t help but click her tongue.

She glanced at Shu Xiaoxiao and covered her mouth to laugh, “The young girl is shy, but the older sister doesn’t care.”

She held up the saber and studied it carefully before turning to Jiang Yuan, “Young Master Jiang, I’ve taken a careful look. This saber is ninety-five percent intact, carries three prohibitions and is worth 1,300 inferior spiritual stones. Can you accept this price?”

“I accept!” Jiang Yuan nodded slightly. This was a bit higher than the 1,200 he had in mind.

Then he asked, “Do you have any natural treasure here that can enhance one’s origin, such as enhancing the divine soul, physical body, qi and blood, or making the physique naturally close to the Five Elements?”

Ya’er shook her head gently: “Young Master Jiang, we can’t possibly have any natural treasures here that make one’s constitution naturally attuned to the Five Elements. As for natural treasures to improve the physical body, the divine soul, or the qi and blood talent, we currently don’t have any.”

“Such things are priceless. After all, abundant usage can improve a person’s natural talent. Those with great cultivation will spare no expense to procure them for their descendants, so items like these can only be bought at auctions..”

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