Longevity: Starting from the Qi Tags

Chapter 124 - 111: Encounter with Zhao Li from Dashun Mansion!

Chapter 124: Chapter 111: Encounter with Zhao Li from Dashun Mansion!

Translator: 549690339

On the back of the green falcon.

Liu Jie said, “Brother Jiang, I apologize! Because I place my trust in the wrong person, I have implicated you!”

Jiang Yuan laughed and shook his head, “No need to blame yourself, after all, one can never truly know someone’s heart!”

“Whether he orchestrated Qian Lang’s attack or interrupted me during my auction last time, though it didn’t have much impact, it was quite annoying.”

“Today he launched an attack, giving me a justification to deal with him.”

“Otherwise, with him holding the position of the Enforcement Hall captain, it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to take action just because I don’t like him!”

Liu Jie said, “This fortunate outcome is all thanks to your strength, Brother Jiang!”

“If you did not possess such formidable power, I would have doomed not just myself, but also others due to my mistake.”

“The comrades would have been implicated because of my stupidity and face danger. I’m absolutely at fault!”

Liu Rushi annoyed said, “Why all the fuss! If Junior Brother Jiang doesn’t care, then why are you making such a big deal out of it? Are you considering us outsiders?”

Liu Jie quickly replied looking into Liu Rushi’s eyes, “Of course not, how could I ever see both of you as outsiders, I’m just feeling guilty!”

Jiang Yuan couldn’t help but laugh, all thanks to Liu Rushi’s retort.

Rising Sun Peak.

Zhao Li paced back and forth, filled with anxiety.

“Junior Brother Zhao, calm down. In the path of cultivation, struggle is inevitable. Since we’ve discovered such a great opportunity, we can’t possibly just hand over half of it.”

Zhao Li stopped abruptly and deeply inhaled.

“But wouldn’t it be wrong to do anything to our fellow cultivators! Perhaps, after seizing the treasure, we could spare their lives?”

The elder man shook his head, “We cannot afford to show mercy. Ever since we embarked on the path of cultivation, the struggle becomes essential. These are not the ancient times; resources for cultivation are scarce!”

“Moreover, our Sunset Sect shares a border with the Supreme Mystery Sect and has been in conflict for so many years, a battle is inevitable!”

“We don’t even know how many of our brothers and sisters died at their hands in secret. Seizing their possessions is completely justified!”

“What if we are no match for them?” Zhao Li voiced his hesitation and concern.

He was full of anxiety. Originally, he thought that entering the cultivation world was.

Learning Daoist magic, making friends, achieving immortality, and enjoying absolute freedom.

However, ever since he joined Sunset Sect, he realized that his dreams were too beautiful.

The scarcity of cultivation resources has led to constant power struggles among cultivators.

His beautiful fantasies were just illusions.

After he invited two of his senior brothers for assistance, they became noticeably excited upon hearing about his plan, then instantly decided to kill for treasure.

Hearing Zhao Li’s question, the man chuckled.

“Junior Brother Zhao, don’t worry. We’ve also invited another senior brother who will be arriving shortly. With his back-up, this mission is guaranteed to succeed.”

“Did both of you hide this from me?” Zhao Li’s face was immediately filled with anger.

The man quickly appeased him, “Junior Brother Zhao, don’t be upset! We were just afraid that you might not be able to handle the news!”

“After all, you are the sect’s golden child, unfamiliar with the darker side of human nature!”

“Ever since you joined, you were taken as Elder Gongsun’s disciple unlike the two of us who struggled to become true disciples!”

“If we hadn’t striven for progress, neither of us would be where we are today!”

“Exactly! Exactly!” the other man quickly agreed, then continued, “Without struggle on the path of cultivation, without sufficient resources, unless one is as talented as Junior Brother Zhao, they will fade into obscurity!”

Just then, one of them spoke, “They’re here, Junior Brother Zhao! Calm down! If everything goes smoothly, you’ll get fifty percent of the loot, while the rest will be split equally between the two of us and the hidden senior brother. Are you satisfied with that arrangement?”

Upon hearing that he would get fifty percent of the loot, Zhao Li calmed down significantly.

He nodded and said, “Alright! But don’t make any decisions without consulting me in the future!”

The two senior brothers laughed, “Okay, we will follow your decisions, Junior Brother Zhao! With your talents, it won’t be long before you surpass both of us. At that time, we’ll need you to pave the way for us!”

Zhao Li, hearing their flattery, couldn’t help but feel proud.

Ever since he joined the Sunset Sect, he had received a lot of praises from his fellow disciples.

After all, his master was Gongsun Zhi, who held a high status among the elders.

Plus, Gongsun Zhi was young but had such a high level of cultivation, was destined to become a key figure in the Sunset Sect.

As the favored disciple of Gongsun Zhi, his rapid progress had amazed everyone.

Therefore, he had been enjoying much glory and was proclaimed as the rising star of the Sunset Sect.

However, these two senior brothers were also in the position of true disciples with revered status.

Compliments from them felt different, and brought a unique sense of satisfaction.

Seeing Zhao Li’s facial expression, the two senior brothers sighed in relief.

With Zhao Li cooperating, there was nothing to fear.

As long as they can lure the Supreme Mystery Sect’s group to the desired location and open the ancient cave, victory would be in their hands.

With a senior brother tailing behind, there won’t be any accidents.

After all, that senior brother was much stronger than them. Below the Spiritual Sea Realm, he was almost invincible.

Meanwhile, somewhere else.

Liu Jie pointed to a distant mountain peak, “Brother Jiang, look, that is Rising Sun Peak. This is where the Supreme Mystery Sect and Sunset Sect’s territories partition.”

“Cross the Rising Sun Peak, and you enter the region of the Sunset Sect. And on this side, is the territory of our Supreme Mystery Sect.”

“Our Supreme Mystery Sect territory covers 260,000 square kilometers, while Sunset Sect only has 210,000 square kilometers.”

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