In Another World I Become a Healer With Purple Hair

Chapter 170 - 170 The mysterious Insignia

170 The mysterious Insignia

“So, I presume that you’re not going to join me inside the main library?”

Xander and Brom were closing into the front gate of the capital, while Xander trying to start a conversation. Brom seems in his own world thinking about something else. Before they reached the gate, Xander tried to ask the mage once again.

“I am sorry, but you need to go alone. I… have some urgent matter on my own.”

Brom gave him the answer, and before Xander said anything, he galloped away from Xander, leaving him with so many questions.

“Well, guess he was in a hurry.” Muttered Xander, while he get off his horse and meet with the guard.

“Hey, aren’t you the same person who was here six hours ago?” Asked the guard to Xander.

Xander forgot. The shift rotation doesn’t even change, and he is already back in the capital. “So much for a discreet thing.” He whispered, curses to himself, and tried to smile at the guard, “I forgot something inside err… my barrack.”

“Barrack? So you’re a civil servant?” Said the guard again.

Once again, Xander makes a fatal mistake. He muttered a curse and nodded his head. “Yeah… I am a…”


“Xander? What are you doing here?”

A man’s voice makes Xander and the guard turn their attention. They saw Foster smiling at Xander. Another mistake was coming into Xander, and the only thing he could do was smile and wave at Foster. As one of Xavier’s drinking friends, Foster occasionally saw Xander when he accompanied his brother at the pub.

Somehow, Xander saw a silver lining. He pulled Foster away and faked a smile. “Foster! Good to see you! Come on, we need to catch up! First, drink on me.”

They were inside the pub, and there were so many people. The chairs were full, they couldn’t even get an empty seat. Xander had a sigh of relief, while Foster chuckles at him.

“Did you just make me as your excuse to enter the capital?” Asked Foster. He was still amused by Xander’s action in front of the guard.

Xander’s grinned, and he patted the back of Foster, “Let’s just say it that way. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go somewhere.”

“Where? Maybe I can help?”

Shaking his head, Xander says his goodbye to Foster, “No, sorry, you can’t at this moment. Thank you for the offer, though.”

He walks out of the pub and took his horse from the public stable. The main library was on the inner road of the capital. It took him half an hour by horse, and when he arrived, it was already dark and the road was almost empty. Walking inside, Xander saw an administrator on duty.

“Good afternoon, miss.” Said Xander to the administrator.

The administrator looks at Xander briefly and pointed into a room behind her. “I am not on duty. Go to the room, there.”

“Thank you so much, miss.” Said Xander while smiling at her.

The administrator never said anything afterward and was just in a hurry to go outside, Xander notice she had a large bag with her, but then, the administrator of the library always had books and bags everywhere. He shrugged it off and go to the room that was surprisingly empty. Confused by it, Xander opt to look around the area and noticed a peculiar scene.

There was a deafening silence, and no one was around the main library, which was odd. The main library, although in the middle of the night, always has administrators on shift. Xander uses his instinct and begins to concentrate. He whiff and tried to smell anything peculiar. What he feared just came true. A smell of blood from inside the main library.

“By the moon, something was wrong!”

Xander traced the smell of the blood, and it brings him into a small dark alley. He saw an unconscious man on the floor. Xander approach the man and gave a sigh of relief when he looks that the man was still breathing.

“Hey, are you alright? Who did this to you?” He tried to ask the man, after being convinced that he will be surviving the wound.

“Ugh… please stop her… a woman with black hair, she took my administrator uniform and steal a precious book…”

“Sh*t! it was the administrator earlier!” He stands up and runs as fast as he could, “Hang in there, I’ll call for help.”

Thankfully, he met with two guards on duty and asked for their help. Afterwards, Xander traced the woman, and get a clue by sniffing around the area. He looked around and saw there was no one around, took the chance to go to an alleyway and transform into his wolf form. Wolf Xander howled into the moon and chased the woman. He can smell the woman using a horse to get away. He snarled and knew he need to use his haste power.

Another power that only a werewolf could use is haste, making the user speed up and go faster twice than before. It will drain his magica but it was the only way to catch up with a horse. Wolf Xander’s eyes glow, a sign of the haste power being activated, and after running for quite some time, he could see the woman in the horse obviously trying to go into a gate of the capital.

Wolf Xander took the chance and jump into the woman. A shriek came from her mouth when she fell with Xander into the ground. Wolf Xander’s front paw kept the woman in the place. Fear came from her face, and not long after, she passed out because of the terrifying moment from looking closer at a werewolf’s face.

Xander transforms back and carries the woman into the gate, ironically she almost reached the gate before Xander catches her from behind. When he reached the gate, Foster was there, and he screamed when the naked Xander carried an unconscious young woman to the gate.

“Oh, my Gods! Xander, what happened?!” He asked Xander who handed the young woman to the guard on duty.

“No time to explain, but I need you to keep the woman locked in the cell, but bring her some healer.” Xander makes his request and also asks for a shirt and pants. He just noticed there was a blushing female guard looking in his direction.

“Who’s the woman? Why do you need her to be locked up?” Asked Foster again, although he already orders the woman to be locked inside the cell.

“I believe she was stealing from the main library. She even injured one of the librarians.” Answered Xander to Foster.

Foster had a frown on his face. “Book? what kind of book?”

“I don’t know, but I have the bag that she was carrying. Let’s take a look.” Xander open the bag and took out the book from inside the bag. They were so surprised when they saw the book.

“This… this book…”

Xander, who went quiet for a while, then said, “Yes, this is the information of every noble and royalties bloodline, along with their insignia.”

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