I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 472: The Blind, the Maiden, and the Demon

Chapter 472: The Blind, the Maiden, and the Demon

We purchased

The Fire Pass Country, along the northern route.

The young girl returned with exhilaration and excitement, holding a bouquet of fresh flowers in her arms.

"Wow, wow, wow! Master, Demon King Sun Yan is making a major move! A tremendously significant move!"

The excited young girl stood before the blind individual, leaping and shouting incessantly.

The lively words attracted the attention of numerous travelers inside the inn.

And the blind person, who had just started picking up food with chopsticks at the dining table, paused for a moment and said, "What kind of tremendously significant move?"

As he spoke, the blind person, dressed in a gray robe with a white cloth banner by his side, continued to use his chopsticks to pick up the food from the plate and place it into his own bowl. Although he inquired, he didn't let it hinder his meal.

The young girl quickly shared her recent news with her master, saying, "On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month! Demon King Sun Yan is going to set up the All Souls Blood Pool at the Arctic Skyark Palace, intending to emulate the ancient demonic saint's ascension through flesh and blood! Now, the demonic forces from all corners of the world are stirred, and even slightly renowned monsters and demons are heading towards the Skyark Palace to participate in the grand ceremony of the Demon King!"

"Oh? All Souls Blood Pool? Ascension through flesh and blood?" This piece of news finally made the blind person, who was so devoted to eating, raise his head and set aside his chopsticks. "Where did you get this information from?"

"Outside!" the girl excitedly gestured. "They are spreading this news over at the Fire God Temple! The wizards are saying that recently everyone should try to minimize going out of the city to avoid being abducted and eaten by the evil demons heading north."

Saying that, the girl sat across from the blind person, holding flowers in her arms, and asked eagerly, "Master, Master, do you think Demon King Sun Yan will succeed this time? I heard that this All Souls Blood Pool is extremely terrifying. It requires the blood of billions of living beings and the souls of millions of gods and demons to perform the blood sacrifice in order to achieve the great Dao. Once successful, it can transcend the mundane and reach the highest level, comparable to the ancient Emperor Fu Xi!"

"In ancient times, that demonic saint who succeeded once, had ruled the Celestial Desolation Realm for countless millennia without any rivals Do you think that, by emulating the ancient ones, the Demon King can succeed now? And if he does succeed, will he truly become invincible?"

The white dragon maiden was filled with both excitement and curiosity.

Across from her, a blind person in a gray robe chuckled and shook his head, saying, "Billions of living beings? Millions of gods and demons? Haha Billions of living beings may be feasible, as the Celestial Desolation Realm is vast enough to accommodate such a number. However, as for the millions of gods and demons I believe the Celestial Desolation Realm may not have that many gods and demons for him to kill."

Regarding this, the white dragon maiden wore a visage of astonishment.

"Ah? Not that many gods and demons? But doesn't the Heavenly Court claim to have nine million divine beings? Alone, the Heavenly Court has so many immortals, and it seems that there are even more demonic cultivators in the demonic path, right?" The girl said, "If we manage to kill a few of both gods and demonic cultivators, shouldn't we be able to gather the number of a million gods and demons perhaps?"

The girl said, her conviction wavering slightly.

A blind person in a gray robe shook his head and chuckled, saying, "Nine million heavenly gods? Haha The supposed number of nine million heavenly gods from the Heavenly Court is simply an inflated figure that shouldn't be taken seriously. If that Supreme God Lu Ai could really gather nine million heavenly gods, then there would be no room for the rampant cultivation of the demonic path, and the Arctic Skyark Palace would have been reduced to ashes long ago."

The words of the blind man greatly disappointed the white dragon maiden, "Ah? Not that many? I had thought the Heavenly Court truly possessed such a multitude of celestial deities It appears it was all just boastful exaggeration."

The girl felt quite crestfallen.

The blind person chuckled and said, "Of course, it's all just bragging. Those in high positions tend to exaggerate, it's just human nature, nothing to be surprised about."

"That All Souls Blood Pool boasted by Demon King Sun Yan is not as miraculous as it seems. In reality, it is nothing more than a large-scale demonic cultivation magic formation. Relying on the intake of a substantial amount of life force in order to forcefully break through and attain enlightenment, while it does indeed enhance one's cultivation strength, to claim to rival the Emperor? Heh still a long way off."

"And this time, Sun Yan's announcement was not voluntary, but rather forced. Before he released the information, the Heavenly Court had already breached the demonic lair where the offerings for the demonic ritual were being prepared, and discovered Demon King's plan."

"Under the pressure of the circumstances, Sun Yan had no choice but to release the information, aiming to gather the entire demonic realm and confront the impending actions of the Heavenly Court."

"That bunch of demons who eagerly rushed north upon hearing a single piece of news, one after another, are nothing but foolish pawns manipulated by others, lacking any sort of intelligence."

The blind person chuckled and, after saying that, continued to enjoy their meal of vegetables and rice.

However, at a nearby table, one of the travelers suddenly slammed the table and stood up, shouting, "Your bloody nonsense!"

The person who abruptly stood up was none other than a burly and robust man, with a face full of stubble, exuding a powerful and mighty presence.

And sitting at the same table with him were two young men and a woman. The two young men appeared refined and frail, resembling affluent offspring, while the woman had a bloated figure and unattractive features, with a flattened nose and full lips, truly displaying a fierce and menacing countenance.

Now, as the burly and robust man angrily confronted them, the two young men and the woman at the same table also wore unpleasant expressions on their faces.

"You don't understand a damn thing!" The burly and robust man, separated by two dining tables, angrily berated the blind person, saying, "A blind man who doesn't go home and suckle on milk shouldn't be here pretending to know everything, playing god Who do you think you are? Declare your name to me!"

The burly and robust man's furious roar and provocation left everyone in the inn exchanging puzzled glances.

People exchanged glances, endeavoring to recall the words spoken by the blind man just moments ago, seemingly all implying a contemptuous view of the dark arts?

He seems to despise both the Heavenly Court and the demonic path, particularly the latter.

And yet, this burly and robust man, of all times, chose to erupt in anger as the blind man expressed disdain for the demonic path

The group of traveling merchants from various regions looked at each other, all silently contemplating the urge to stand up and leave.

However, just as the merchants were about to stand up, the fierce and portly woman sneered, "Let's see who dares to leave today!"

Although she was clearly an overweight adult woman, her voice was sweet and tender, reminiscent of a three or four-year-old girl. It was crisp and pleasant, even her threatening words sounded incredibly adorable.

However, as soon as she spoke these words, the expressions of the merchants in the inn changed. They didn't find it cute at all, but rather, it confirmed some of their suspicions within.

I have encountered a demon.

Inside the inn, a eerie atmosphere fell silent for a few moments.

The robust man with a stern expression walked up to the table of the blind master and disciple, and coldly said, "Speak up! Blind man, weren't you quite talkative just now? Why are you silent again?"

The burly man said coldly, "Now that you've seen the grandfather, why aren't you speaking? Speak up!"

The burly man's entire body exuded a fierce and violent aura, no longer concealing his own sinister nature.

The appearance of such a demon in the bustling city is absolutely terrifying.

The surrounding merchants all had pale faces, for they, having traveled far and wide, knew well that a demon who could brazenly infiltrate the city must be one of the top figures in the realm of evil. Ordinary mortals in the clutches of such a demon were as insignificant as ants!

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