I have Nine Lives

Chapter 134: Trying to find the fox tribe

Chapter 134: Trying to find the fox tribe

Landers heaved a sigh of relief after everything was done watching out for traps, and fighting all of these moles was quite taxing on his mind. He also had to take care of the unconscious lovers below them.

Which increased his stress even more.

He was used to doing such things, but he always felt rather relieved when they ended.

The one-eyed mole didn't say anything after he expressed his. And his tribe's loyalty to the lions.

It felt like he became a little more hollow than before as if he lost something rather important to him, but Diorno and Landers understood why he became like this.

This was the face and vibe of a defeated person.

All of his plans were solid, but who knew that such a freak like Felix would destroy all of them by simply existing.

The one-eyed mole regained his wits after a short while of mopping around then said:

"Name's Giovani, what can I help you, three masters, with?"

Diorno looked down at the small guy, which Felix let on the ground after he finished his oath

"Well, you could start by waking up the two lovey birds down there."

Giovani looked down at Manitola and Lindo before shaking his head as he said:

"There is no antidote for this gas, it will wear out by itself depending on the strength of their immune systems, or at least that's what the person who sold it to me said."

Diorno facepalmed as he looked at the unconscious duo, did that mean he would have to log the two of them around like they were baggage?

Landers grabbed Manitola and put her over his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes and said:

"I got her."

Diorno nodded as he picked up his son and did as Landers.

"Giovani show us around for a little before we will tell you about our first plans for the moles."

Giovani acquiesced as there was nothing he could do in this situation anyways besides obeying. He already swore the oath.

Felix followed them from behind while he looked around. This time he wasn't unconscious and he could fully appreciate the surroundings. The buildings were short standing only at 1,8 meters tall and they were made from mud and stones.

They were simply made in either square or round shapes like domes.

Most of the moles stood inside their houses and had closed eyes as they seemed to be praying?

Giovani explained to them as they looked through the windows of the houses:

"Our informaticians are all working hard to collect information from the outside using a combination of earth tremors and their instincts amplified by their hex talents."

"Most of our techniques aren't combat-oriented, but we are excellent for spying and reconnaissance. As we can collect information from the underground."

Lindo and Diorno were certainly impressed by their tenacious side, as they were people who didn't like to sit around, and they couldn't imagine themselves working as the moles did.

After they toured the whole village and saw even the secret facilities where the moles made their special traps, they finally came back to where they battled, seeing that the damaged surroundings were already being repaired by other moles.

"So after you learned everything about us, what is the first job you want us to do?"

Giovani knew that after they got under Lions' thumb, they would make them work immediately, and he was right, they needed inside people like the moles. People who had tons of information on the Sparron continent.

Landers stood in front of Giovani as he thought for a short second before he said:

"I want all the information available on the whole Sparron continent, along with any leads where we could find the fox tribe, also we need to link our communication stones so we can have a quick way to call each other whenever the need arises."

"Easy requests, give me a few minutes."

Giovani left towards one of the taller buildings that they walked by a few minutes ago and returned as soon as he said he would.

He came back with a small mountain of papers that he settled down in front of Landers then threw him a black communication stone before saying:

"The most likely location that the foxes had run to would be an abandoned hollow tree near the border of the summer part of the continent, that's where the delegation of the summer foxes lives and an asylum for the spring foxes during such situations, however, there might be a chance they also went back to their original hideout as they don't like relying on the other fox tribes."

Landers picked up the papers and put them in his special bag before nodding and saying:

"We will call you whenever the need arises. As for now, you can go back to your job of collecting information. Call us whenever new important information pops up."

Giovani nodded and left, leaving Felix and the others along with the moles who were still repairing the surroundings. Landers looked around for a few seconds before saying as he made his way towards the exit of the cave:

"Ok we have got what we wanted from them but we still have a problem with these two sleeping, so we need to go back to the base and leave them there, for now. Who knows when they will wake up?"

Diorno followed him from behind as Felix made his way out with them, the duo seemingly decided on something at the same time as they looked at Felix and Landers said:

"We will need to go back and send these two to a comfy bed, so you will have to gather the troops and go to the locations that the moles told us about, you shall become a temporary general and lead the troops while we are missing."

Felix didn't know what to say as this was a bit too sudden, general? Him? He knew that this was a very high position, and he didn't feel ready for that responsibility yet, coupled with the fact that he didn't know how to lead troops at all, made him rather unconvinced about the duo's decision.

"We shall call the captains of each unit and notify them of the temporary change, also here."

Landers threw Felix that black communication stone that Giovani gave him in case he needed to contact him.

Felix wasn't sure what to do in this situation... should he tell them that he didn't feel ready?

But before he could even open his mouth and say anything, they had already finished their conversations with the captains of the units then disappeared like smoke on a windy night, leaving Felix alone.

At this point, Felix wasn't sure what to do as he went back to the location of the elevator where he met with the troops. Who already gathered themselves there.

They all saluted Felix as they waited for his instructions without batting an eyelid.

it was the first time Felix would ever give orders, so he felt rather strange.

But he controlled his emotions and said:

"We have two targets right now, which are potential battlefields we will first move towards the former base of the foxes to see if they have relocated there. It's on the opposite side of the second option, so we will use the elevator to get there, get inside!"

The troops did as instructed as they all boarded the elevator, and Felix entered it last before he used the new coordinates he got from Giovani.

The elevator shook for a short while before all of the troops left it, arriving in the middle of an unknown location.

Giovani had said that this was the previous base of the foxes but as Felix looked around, he only saw trees and nothing else.

Could have Giovani given him the wrong coordinates?

If this was the former hideout of the foxes, there should have been something around here that indicated it so, like some ruins of some kind or some abandoned buildings, but there was nothing here that indicated someone lived here before.

But he didn't give up, he knew that the foxes liked to live in burrows, so they must have dug some around here.

He made the troops split up and search every nook and cranny trying to see if there were any holes in the ground, no matter how small.

The troops and Felix searched for around 3 hours until they realized that there were no holes in the ground, which indicated that Giovani gave them a fake location.

He decided to contact him with the communication stone that Landers gave him, after a few seconds the connection was made, and Giovani's voice came out of the stone:


"You gave me the wrong location, there are no traces of the fox tribe even living where you said their previous headquarters were."

"My apologies sir, but there is also a chance they might have destroyed all evidence after they migrated from there, making sure there would be no items that would make them traceable."

Felix shook his head. Maybe he was a little too quick to jump to conclusions.

He ended the connection as he regathered the troops and decided to attack the hollow tree, which was their last lead to find the foxes.

After they entered the elevator, Felix entered some different coordinates, waited a few seconds before all of them made their way out of the transporting device.

In front of them stood a tall and wide tree, that was hollow in the middle, and from what Felix could sense, it was full of living creatures!

Felix decided to make the troops enter into a formation, ordering them just as Landers would before slowly marching towards the tree there were too many troops so a stealth attack was impossible, but why would they need a stealth attack when they had such an immense numerical advantage?

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