I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

In the Aether World, there were a whopping three satellites, which was a phenomenon entirely incomprehensible by Earth's standards.

However, Baek Yu-Seol was someone lacking common sense from the beginning and his science was weak, so accepting this was quite easy for him.

Today, all three moons were full moons.

When even one full moon rose, the natural vitality increased, leading to what's called Mage's Day.

When all three full moons appeared, there was a saying that a gateway would connect heaven and earth, leading to an enormous circulation of mana.

There should be no better day to train than today, but Baek Yu-Seol came to find Alterisha.

"I never thought something like this existed.

"I didn't think it was possible either."

The ceiling of the observatory opened, and three lenses each captured the light of a full moon.

Specially crafted lenses turned the moonlight's mana into a tangible substance, which was then synthesized into a solid material.

Thus, Baek Yu-Seol could create an astonishing substance called 'Moonstone.'

While it wasn't particularly hard, it could absorb a lot of mana, making it the perfect material for crafting magical items, and it could only be created when all three full moons were in the sky.

With the current technology, extracting Moonstone was impossible, but since the phenomenon of the three full moons was rare, he hastily shared the formula to make a 'lens imbued with moonlight' with Alterisha.

It was somewhat rough due to his haste, but thanks to it, the result of moonlight extraction was nothing more than a small pouch.

"Use this to make what you need."

"... Is it okay? It's so precious...."

As an excellent alchemist, Alterisha realized the value of precious Moonstone, and received the pouch of Moonstone powder with trembling hands.

"You'll make better use of it than I will."

Actually, Baek Yu-Seol felt a little regretful, but with this amount, there wasn't much he could do properly.

*In the past, they used Moonstone to make armor and weapons.*

Baek Yu-Seol could no longer remember how much effort it took to craft items with Moonstone.

"Thank you... I'll use it well."

Alterisha appeared to be on the verge of crying as she received it. She was deeply moved, and muttered quietly while touching the Moonstone.

"It reminds me of the past..."

Baek Yu-Seol stared blankly beyond the observatory's wide-open ceiling, and looked at the three full moons.

Aether World, a game he played countless times, and experienced death over and over.

Who could have known he would end up inside it?

Loading save data, he remembered the times he stumbled and died multiple times, but he eventually reached an ending.

It made him think Back then... even death didn't seem so scary.

*That's because... it was just a game.*

Constellation Project, the Star's Archive.

Just hearing the names stoked Eisels curiosity as a mage, ignited greed, and fueled a passion for knowledge.

After all, it was a mysterious library where all the world's knowledge lay dormant.

What secrets would be held by this library, which houses all the knowledge of the world?

But, the Twelve Ancestral Houses of the Progenitors disciples family vehemently refused access to the Constellation Project, and the same goes for the Morph Familys Isaac.


Eisel heard none of it.

Isaac Morph met his end, and all that remained was an insignia representing the Morph bloodline and family.

*I can do it.*

Clutching the Morph Familys insignia tightly in both hands, Eisel turned her head slightly.

A colorful magic circle was drawn on the pinnacle of the tower, making it appear like a lighthouses top.

She wondered if her friends knew that an enormous magic circle encompassed the entire sky above the Stella Academy.

It was discreetly hidden and intricately built with mana lines that couldnt even be perceived by an ordinary mage.

For Eisel, it was an entirely unfamiliar magic circle.

Unlike typical magic circles drawn with circles as a foundation, this one seemed to be directly arranged with the stars in the sky, as if it represented a constellation.

In the center of the starry magic circle in the sky, Eisel stood, and Arien handed her something.

"It's one of the long-lost fragments of the Constellation."

It was a small polyhedron-shaped stone. There were traces of writing on the surface, but it was indecipherable.

"... Can something this valuable be used so casually?"

As Eisel cautiously accepted it and asked, Arien responded nonchalantly.

"It's something I found, and I can use it as I please. However, I can't use it myself, so you'll have to do it in my stead."

She nodded firmly with a resolute expression, and Arien stepped back.

"Remember, the information that humans can access in the Star Archive is severely limited. The price for accessing information is 'mana' and 'mental strength.' If you feel you've reached your limit, return."

"... I understand."

How much information could a mere Class 3 mage access?

Even on a day like today, with the three full moons, she might not hold on for too long.

Nonetheless, she was likely the only person in the world who could access the Constellation Project without hindrance.

So, Arien had no choice but to believe in her.


Watching Eisel close her eyes and concentrate, Arien succumbed to his old habit and was about to fish out a cigarette, but he stopped and looked around.

This was because the best scholars of the Orion Magic Tower gathered here and put their efforts on preparing for the most mysterious magic called Seal of the Star Archive.

Arien had some curiosity as well.

What had the 12 disciples seen in the Star Archive that made them seal it with such fear?

After all, the act of accessing 'all knowledge' would be impossible for the human brain.

So, they must have faced some vague concept within the realm of human understanding

*Who knows.*

The starlight in the night sky gradually began to shower Eisels silhouette.

It was not the mana of nature itself but another mysterious mana coming from the sky above.

The power of the 'universe,' which mages had not yet conquered, wrapped around Eisels body.

One couldnt access the Star Archive according to his desire.

Today, for a very long time, the three full moons appeared, and the sky was clear without a single cloud.

Moreover, thanks to the presence of the twelve constellations, it was possible.

The reason Arien sought out Eisel today wasn't just a simple one; it was because today was the only opportunity.


The sound of falling stardust was heard, and Eisels consciousness drifted further away.

Everything felt distant as if she was dreaming, but it wasn't a dream; it felt like looking at the reality of a different world.


Suddenly, when she opened her eyes.

She was walking in the sky.

Adrift in the vast sea of starlight, Eisel gazed blankly into the void.

The starlight pouring from the sky transformed into letters, and taught her something about herself.

**[Eisel Morph]**







*That's my information...?*

However, for some reason, she couldn't read it no matter how hard she tried.

Each attempt seemed to drain her mana, as if pouring water into a leaking vessel.

*Enough! I don't need my information!*

She looked into the void.

Something, something... A distant and high wave was sweeping towards this place. It wasn't an ocean wave or starlight.

*A wave of information.*

She intuited it. If it hit her directly, she would die. Not physically but mentally.

Eisel closed her eyes tightly, fiercely resisting it, and concentrated on only one piece of information.

*Tell me about Mana Accumulation Retardation Syndrome's cure!*

But the wave continued to advance towards her, completely ignoring her plea. It didn't understand her signals.

If she continued to indiscriminately receive information into her mind, she would be shattered to pieces, soul and all.

She could survive if she gave up and retreated, but she wouldn't gain anything.

So, Eisel shouted one last time.

*Tell me about Baek Yu-Seol!!*

Suddenly, the approaching wave that seemed like it would engulf the entire world came to a halt and crumbled like a sandcastle.

Right after that.

When she regained her senses, she found herself standing amidst the ruins.

*Where is this...?*

What had once been a brilliant and grand structure was now completely in ruins, and the streets were filled with corpses.

Eisel soon recognized the clothes worn by the corpses.

*Stella, the academy uniform...?*

She hastily surveyed the devastated ruins and quickly realized that this place was none other than the 'Stella Academy' in Arcanium.


Stopped in her tracks, Eisel suddenly looked up at the sky.

An enormous number of meteors were striking the ground.

Without noise or commotion, they simply rained down on the world.

*What on earth is this...?*

Eisel, who had been gazing at the collapsed world absentmindedly, instinctively took a step back, and in that moment


The location changed once again, and she found herself standing in a vast plain.

Here too, everything had crumbled due to the meteor shower, and in all directions, the bodies of mages in robes formed a gruesome scene.

And in the midst of it all, something stood tall.

It was a living terror.

It was a living catastrophe.

It was the embodiment of dark destruction.

It was... the shape of a colossal 'dragon.'


In an instant, her mind was paralyzed, and Eisel couldn't think at all.

The presence of the black dragon which covered half the sky was far too overwhelming for a mere human to confront.

All the great buildings on the ground, advanced technology, magitech, historical figures... everything became utterly meaningless in the face of that presence.

Even without someone explaining, she could realize it.

*This is the world's end. Why*

*Why is the 'world's end' contained in the Constellation Project, which holds all the information?*

*Clearly, the Star Archive should only record 'events that have occurred so far,' but why does it contain future information?*

*If not, what if the incident has already occurred?*

Eisel was pondering those questions when suddenly, someone walked past her, interrupting her thoughts.


Eisel immediately recognized him.

Clad in white armor which shone like moonlight, and was designed in a cultural style completely different from the modern era, the man held a single white staff, and walked towards the black dragon.

He was none other than Baek Yu-Seol. He appeared to be at least ten years older than the present-day Baek Yu-Seol, but he showed no expression, and simply moved forward towards the black dragon.

*Oh no!*

Eisel shouted with all her might. She told him not to go, that he would die if he went there.

But it seemed like Baek Yu-Seol couldn't hear Eisels voice.

He didn't stop and approached the black dragon as if he were trying to confront it alone.

Surprisingly, the black dragon reacted to Baek Yu-Seols presence for the first time.



The dragon seemed to be saying something to Baek Yu-Seol, but he didn't respond; he just pointed his sword at the dragon.


He became a ray of light, and shot towards the black dragon.

*No way!*

She stretched out her hand towards Baek Yu-Seols back with all her might.

*Stop, stop right now!*


As Star Archive crumbled, reality embraced her.

"Wait... take the Tranquilizer Potion!"

Her consciousness faded away.

In a world turning increasingly distant, only Ariens desperate cries echoed in her ears.",

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