His Dearest Wife

Chapter 647

Chapter 647

A club abroad.

Chu yunrou is fed up with crime here.

She was haggard and pale and oppressed by men. Excessive body, also more and more weak.

It's a disease, it's a life without love.

If it wasn't for the hatred in her heart that supported her, maybe she would have fallen.

She hated the world, the unfairness of fate and all the people who had hurt her.

She thinks the most damned thing is Lin Lin missing.

If it had not been for her appearance, she would never have been destroyed to such an extent.

In a small, gray apartment.

The door was kicked open by the man outside.

Chu yunrou was awakened, she quickly got up.

"Who are you? What are you doing? Robbery? "

Chu yunrou panics. She has been robbed here more than once, not only for her money, but also for her body mercilessly.

The law and order in this country is hopeless.

She felt that she must not live long, so she would lie, let Chu Yunye revenge.

She did not expect that the man is still so stupid, easy to be around.

The light in the room was forced on.

Under the light, Chu yunrou sees clearly who is coming, and immediately feels like a ghost.

Jin Lin was gloomy and asked coldly, "what did you say to Chu Yunye on the phone? Make him so crazy. "

" what are you talking about? I don't understand. I'm not in touch at all. "In order to protect her life, Chu yunrou had to lie.

"Don't be so hard mouthed. I'll give you five seconds now. If you don't say it, my gun will blow your head. "

Jin Linyang raised his pistol.

Although Chu yunrou's life is not like death, she is also very afraid of death.

"Yes, I called him, but I didn't say anything. I just told him to find a way to save me. I really don't want to stay here. "No way, she had to admit it first.

"I still won't, to tell you the truth, right? "Jin Lin sneered.

The muzzle of heidongdong's gun is on Chu yunrou's head, and the insurance is opened. It is possible that the gun will go off at any time.

"No, don't kill me, I said. I said everything." Chu yunrou was completely frightened, and her mood collapsed. She didn't want to hide it any more.

The head is supported by a gun, out of fear of death, Chu yunrou really collapses.

"I told him that I was pregnant with his child, and the child was gone. I wanted him to increase his hatred for Lin. I swore that I really only talked about the child, and I never asked him to hurt anyone. "

Jin Lin angrily scolded:" you are the most vicious woman I have ever seen. You even lie to Chu Yunye with your child, and you are going to kill him for wasting Chu Yunye's love for you. Now tell me honestly, are you pregnant with his child? tell the truth. "

Chu yunrou was frightened and cried. She immediately shook her head and said," no, I'm not pregnant with his baby. I'm just talking nonsense. "

" you'd better be honest. Otherwise, there is no place for you in the world. Don't expect my young master to be kind to you forever. But you hurt my young grandmother this time. The young master's order still can't spare you, so shaving your face is a little punishment for you. "Jin Lin said coldly.

On hearing that they wanted to destroy his face, Chu Yunye trembled and cried out in fear: "no, no, don't destroy me. I really don't dare. I won't do it again next time. Please hold your hands high. If my face is scratched, I can't stay here. They will drive me out. "

" can you hang out here? It's your business. My little grandmother almost died because of you. You can't disobey the orders of the young master. You should be punished if you do something wrong. Let's do it. "

in front of him, the woman looked very pitiful, but when Jin Lin thought that the little grandmother would not come back, and the young master and young master would lose their most important person, his heart was as cold as iron, and he no longer had the slightest pity.

The two bodyguards behind him immediately took out their knives and cut several bloody wounds on Chu Yunye's face.

"No. "The woman let out a scream of hissing and splitting her lungs.

Jin Lin went out with the recording and two bodyguards.

Chu yunrou's life is worse than death. She covers her face with blood. She doesn't even have the courage to live. She knows how terrible the fate of offending Feng Yu is. She really doesn't know the heaven and earth. How can she fight with heaven?

With the advent of the moon, the prosperous city ushered in the most charming moment.

Lin Xi was wearing an elegant black dress with long hair scattered behind his head.

The makeup on her face is very simple and elegant, which makes her natural beauty more clean and fresh.

She belongs to the beauty at first sight.

Some of them were nervously standing at the bottom of the apartment. Just now, they received a call from Leng Yaochen, saying that he would come to pick her up.It's the first time I've been alone with this man.

Before long, three black cars, through the street outside the community, steadily stopped in front of her.

Wei Nan quickly stepped down from the first car and gave her a smile: "Miss Lin, my young master is waiting for you in the car. Please get on the car. "

" thank you. "Lin Xi said politely.

Wei Nan opened the door of the back seat, and Lin Xi sat in.

The door was closed and there was a small enclosed space inside.

Leng Yaochen has been sitting there, noble and mysterious.

The light was dim, she could not see the expression on the man's face at the moment, but she could feel the invisible oppression that the man brought to her.

There is a kind of person who is born to be more noble than others. If he sits there, even without saying a word, he can give people a feeling of not daring to be presumptuous.

Lin Xi's heart beat faster and faster, and his breath might be a little tight.

Have you been waiting long? "Man, a low magnetic voice.

"Not long. "Lin Xi's hands were sweating because of nervousness.

Fortunately, the light is very dark at the moment, otherwise her little red face will be seen by the man.

What would you like to eat? "

" anything. "

" I don't care here. Just tell me what you want to eat. "The man frowned slightly.

"Well, I kind of want to eat seafood, OK? "Since she had to say something, she didn't have to be polite.

"OK, let's go for seafood. "The man's tone was just a little happy.

Lin Xi was relieved. My God, if I want to get along with this man day and night, I really can't imagine what kind of life it would be.

On the way, they said nothing more. Lin Xi turned his head out of the window and looked out at the tall buildings and the neon lights.

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