His Dearest Wife

Chapter 642

Chapter 642


After a two-day rest, Miss Lin made a very comprehensive examination.

The result of the examination was a blood clot in the back of her brain.

If she doesn't have surgery, the clot will affect her memory in the future.

With the consent of Lin Xiangxiang.

Feng Yu also agrees to have an operation. He hopes his missing can be cured completely.

Don't suffer from amnesia in the future.

When seeing the various consequences on the operation list, Feng Yu compared it with a slight tremor.

Suddenly I didn't want her to take the risk.

Lin Xiangxiang stood beside him, looking at his frown, and said softly, "Feng Yu, sign. "

the man looked gently at the woman with a firm face beside him.

On her clear eyes, he is more reluctant.

"I want to remember everything about you and the children. "

Miss Lin bowed her head and gave a smile. Her beautiful face was a little shy.

Like a girl in first love, that green and astringent makes a man's heart ripple slightly.

He said that if he wanted to remember him and his children, it would be sad to listen to his words.

"OK, I'll sign. "Feng Yu agreed.

Mr. Chen has already reminded Feng Yu that the blood clot on Lin Xiangxiang's head must be taken out as soon as possible, otherwise there will be more unexpected sequelae, and the consequences will be more serious.

"Go in with peace of mind. I'll be here waiting for you to come out. "

" well, I'll come out safely. "As if to encourage himself, Lin nodded.

Those who operated on Lin are very authoritative experts.

But Feng Yu's heart, at the moment when she was pushed into the operation, was still tightly pulled into a ball.

He is willing to give his life's luck to his beloved woman.

I just hope she can come back to him safely and healthily.

He and the children need her very much.

There was a rush of footsteps in the quiet corridor.

Lin Zimeng ran anxiously.

"Are you in the operating room? "

Feng Yu nodded, and his handsome face was worried and flustered as never before.

Lin Zimeng was also very worried, but he still comforted Feng Yu and said, "it will be OK to miss you. Don't worry so much. Good people will always be rewarded. "

" thank you. "

knowing that no amount of talking could pacify Feng Yu's worries, Lin Zimeng had to sit aside in silence and wait with him.

Two hours, as long as a century.

The man's eyes did not leave the light on the door of the operating room for a moment.

Every second is like that for him.

He seemed to hear his heart beating faster and faster.

Unless she is safe, he can't bear any result.

Lin Zimeng also worried about the pale face, Miss Lin for her life is an indispensable friend, confidant.

The light on the door of the operating room suddenly went out.

The two stood up at the same time.

There was expectation on his face.

The door of the operating room opened and the two attending doctors came out.

At the moment of taking off the mask, there was a feeling of relief on both doctors' faces.

"Mr. Feng, the operation was successful. "

this sentence was what Feng Yu wanted to hear most. His tight face relaxed.

"Thank you, doctor. "Thousands of thanks condensed into a few words.

In fact, these doctors were very nervous and uneasy at the moment when they chose to operate on Lin Xiangxiang.

In particular, they all know that Feng Yu treats his wife as a treasure and spoils him lawlessly.

If the operation fails, they all have to worry about their own lives.

Fortunately, it's the best result.

Still in a coma, Miss Lin was pushed out of the operating room.

Just after the operation, her face is still very pale.

It hurts to watch it. The man can't help holding its cool hand.

I wish I could pass on all the temperature in my body to her.

In the ward.

The nurses who came to change their dressings could not help but lighten their steps.

At the same time, they also envy the woman lying in the hospital bed.

Outside the hospital corridor.

More than 20 tall and powerful bodyguards blocked the scene. It's very tight.

Not even a fly can fly in.

After Lin's car accident, Feng Yu attached great importance to safety.

Moreover, he had a premonition that if the other party knew that he missed coming back safely, he would not give up and there would be further and crazier revenge.

After two days of careful thinking and analysis, he has locked several people in the target.Now, let Jin Lin investigate one by one.

This time, he will not choose passive, but active attack.

If you let him know who that bastard is, he will kill him and make him immortal.

The presidential palace.

Because of the family scandal last time, the atmosphere has been very dull.

Chubei has been busy in Government Affairs recently, and rarely at home.

Now, in the dark bedroom.

There was a roar of anger from the man.

Why didn't she die? My baby's gone, too. Why doesn't she die? "

he roared wildly, almost smashing everything to pieces.

Chu Yunye is so out of control that he doesn't even know that there is a person standing outside the door.

"What did you say? Who do you want to die? "

Chu Bei walked in quickly and looked at his son with serious expression.

Chu Yunye's eyes are scarlet, staring at his father.

"Tell me honestly, where did you get her? Are you going to let her die there? You are my father. You lied to me like this. Didn't you say she went abroad? Didn't you say she was fine abroad? She is now serving other men all day long, which is more painful than killing her. "

Chu Bei's face turned ugly.

"She just didn't know herself. She deserved it. "

Chu Yunye was very disappointed with his father. He said in a low angry voice," how can you be so ruthless? You've raised her for more than ten years, and now you suddenly say no and drive her to that terrible place. "

" are you crazy enough? Do you want to see her die? How can she be free after a few years? You don't want to marry her. We Chu family can't afford to lose this face. "

Chu Yunye suddenly no longer holds any hope for his father, but only sneers:" you are so cold-blooded and merciless, sooner or later you will regret it. "

"What have you been doing lately? I hear you haven't been home for days Chu North hear son say of words, can't help of heart startle for a while, this just like father same, said a care of words.

"I have my own business to do." Chu Yunye answered coldly.

"I remind you, don't mess with Xiaoyu in the future." Chubei frowned.

Chu Yunye expression apathy down, no answer, just holding his head, sitting on the sofa.

Chu North looking at the son so depressed, he can't help but sigh, turned away.

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