Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 107: Not Easy

Chapter 107: Not Easy

Alex exited the elevator and looked at Midnight, "As always, thank you for teaching me. I guess we now have around 4 more days of training remaining?" He asked curiously. Midnight looked at the reception and nodded, "Well, yes you have 4 more training days now. Oj might be teaching you a few things tomorrow, so you better be ready for that. Just don't be disappointed if he doesn't come, He is one of the busiest people in the country so finding the proper time to train you will be difficult." The elevator doors started to close as Midnight explained. Midnight put her hands between the doors to activate the sensor to prevent the doors from closing and smiled at Alex. 

Alex nodded and waved Midnight goodbye as he walked to the reception table. Midnight sighed and waited. After a few minutes, Alex quickly walked into the elevator and smiled, "I guess I did hear her trying to stop me this morning but I thought that was my imagination I guess I'm really dumb after all." Alex scratched his head as he looked at Midnight. Midnight nodded and let the doors close. "I was about to tell you, but I just thought it would be funnier watching you wait." She laughed.

Alex laughed awkwardly and nodded. Midnight looked at Alex and said, "It seems like you're starting to take a liking to Rachel What do you like about her? It's been a few days that you've met each other so tell me Alex, was it love at first sight?" She teased.

Hearing Midnight's teases, Alex laughed awkwardly once again, He shook his head and spoke, "I don't know why but she just reminded me of myself, that's it. It felt like I was talking to someone who I've known for years when I talked to her It also feels really good to talk to someone every morning so I guess I got friendly with her. But it's none of that love thing. It's more of an admiration of how friendly and how much of a good person vibe she sets around everyone." Alex slowly spoke. 

Midnight took a deep breath and nodded, "That is her job. You saying that just means that she did her job well. But you are in fact correct, Out of everyone I've met till now Rachel has set the best environment for us all. So you should appreciate her efforts, she works the early morning shift so you can talk to her from 4 am to 12 pm. After that, she goes home and to sleep. Her shift might change any time so be sure to listen to her when she calls for you the next time. It's so that she can tell you the times when she is working." She explained. 

Alex nodded. He looked at Midnight and asked, "You seem to know so much about her Is she like a really good worker here or very well known?" He was curious. 

Midnight looked at Alex and smiled, "She is pretty well known out of everyone here" She rolled her eyes, " Well except you of course BUt out of everyone here, she is the only person who seems to have had a proper conversation with Hana Her friendliness caught Hana in the trap and made her talk. She also teases Hana every now and then but not as much as she would for others. So that's why she is kind of special in our hearts. But this conversation must end here. I'll be off to my room, call me if an emergency happens. Good night Alex." MIdnight spoke as she exited the elevator. 

Alex waved Midnight goodbye and went up the elevator. He entered his room and sighed, "Today was another exhausting day Everything felt like it was being even tougher And today's training with Imani was even weirder. I thought I'd train with reapers that were slightly smarter or had different ways that they worked but this made no sense. I just had to take down a bunch of bots in a hostage situation." Alex went to the huge bedroom and jumped on the bed. 

He looked around the room and thought back to his old room, "I guess going back to this type of place after a hard day of work, isn't so bad I've had it worse so why do I just complain?" Alex shook his head and stood up. He looked at his system.

[Alex- Lesser-Known Vigilante]

[Level- 12]

[Health- 75]

[Mana- 63]

Alex shrugged when he saw that his levels were the same, "I guess I had my expectations too high. But It makes sense that I wouldn't have leveled up every day of training, It would just be madness." Alex said to himself. 

He got up and looked at the time while grabbing his stomach, "6 pm It's getting close to dinner time so I'll just have a meal, maybe watch some T.V and sleep I have a huge training day tomorrow as well." Alex said as he went to the kitchen to make food for himself. After having some food, Alex went on with what he said that he'd do. But Alex quickly fell asleep after turning on the T.V

"Wha.. What?" Alex woke up, the TV still turned on. He looked around and sighed, "I fell asleep while on the couch At least It wasn't a cold day. But still, I guess it's good that I woke up earlier than the Training could have begun. I can just go downstairs and do the training. I feel more confident today, maybe I can beat it!" Alex stood up feeling more energized. He looked at the time and smiled, "3 am? I guess I'll just have to follow this sleep schedule." He sighed. 

Alex took a bath and went downstairs. He talked to Rachel, who was working in the reception. Just before 5 am, Alex quickly went outside and started the training just before the system could notify him of it beginning. After an hour, Alex was still doing the training. "I still have the 300 sit-ups left today I'm sure that Tomorrow, I'll be able to finish this training entirely Or at least be able to get even closer. I can feel it, I will be able to do the challenge by the end of my training week!" Alex said to himself. 

Alex then went to the reception and waited for Midnight to come. After Midnight came, He went down the elevator with Midnight and back to the Training Facility. After another few hours of learning more attacks, Today more focused on taking down opponents with grapples, Alex had his lunch. Imani also joined the two in lunch and smiled, "I guess I have you today as well Alex. Oj will train you tomorrow, but today He is busy as well. So we'll do normal sparring today, you vurses me." She smiled. 

Midnight looked excited when she heard Imani's words. She looked at Alex and spoke, "You better do something!" Alex nodded and finished his lunch. The three went to the arena where Imani spoke, "Well, We'll have a fist to fist combat only for now. So tell me once you're ready Alex." 

Alex nodded and the two began their training battle. Midnight watched from the side, She was waiting for this moment. The two stood at opposite ends of the arena and looked focused. 

Alex looked up the arena where the time was ticking, "54..3.2.1!" The voice announced. As soon as the two heard the voice they started to circle each other. Alex looked at Imani's actions closely. He wanted to win! Imani smiled when she saw Alex's serious face and ran straight towards him, wanting to see what they would do next.

Alex was surprised by Imani's actions, but he tried to remain calm. He stood in a stance taught by Midnight and waited for Imani to attack. 'She's fast!' Alex exclaimed as he felt a burst of pain in his chest. Alex was thrown back to the wall in sheer force. Imani stood where Alex was standing just a second ago. She smiled and scuffed, "I thought you had a bit more than that. We're the same rank, aren't we?" She smiled. 

Alex shook his head and stood up slowly. He looked at Imani and nodded, "I guess this won't be as easy as I thought."

Hey people!

I wanted to write this here as most things in Author's comments are skipped over. So basically, I'm trying to rush chapters right now as I have huge things going on with my life right now. I'm applying to University so It's a lot of stress. It's for an art school so making a portfolio has been my main focus so far but I don't want to miss out on daily updates. I wrote this to tell you all those chapters might have a few mistakes as they go over my head, all I want is if you could point them out if you see them. I'll fix them instantly. Thank you all!

Once again, Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

(Me writing this here won't affect the price of the chapter at all, don't worry.)

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