Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 147: Lesbian

Chapter 147: Lesbian

"Oh shit." Ayaan cursed, hearing the evil laughter. "You guys go ahead. I will hold this ghost."

"No!" many denials resounded simultaneously. "We aren't going to leave you." Said Noor stubbornly. Though others didn't say anything, Ayaan could see their decisions from their eyes. Even Leafwhisk looked disapprovingly at him.

"I have my own way to escape. You guys need to go!" shouted Ayaan. However, no one looked at him; they remained standing where they were. In the end, he looked at Leafwhisk helplessly. "You should tell them; I am confident to escape." He pleaded.

"Do you think they are stupid?" Leafwhisk didn't reply to him, instead asked a question that stunned him. She looked at the domineering Ghost King, who looked at their play amusingly and curled her lips. "As for this so-called Ghost King, you don't need to worry; I will deal with him." Without giving any further explanation, she walked in front of the Ghost King.

"You can get lost if you want to secure your ghostly life, or die!" she looked at the Ghost King tyrannically and said. "You have two breath's time to scram."

The ghost king looked at her with mouth wide open. He was Ghost King whose intelligence was similar to any human and his strength was above Embryonic Realm. No one ever dared to command him. Humans would shiver at his name. However, today a woman said she would slaughter him if he remained here more than two breath's time.

Not just Ghost King, even Ayaan and his women were completely at a loss of Leafwhisk's words. Where did she get the courage to challenge the Ghost King who was above the Embryonic Realm? No one knew. After all, she wasn't a powerful cultivator anymore like before; she was only at the Embryonic Realm. Though she was at the peak, there was still a vast gap between the two.

Ayaan looked at her back in confusion and didn't understand what she was trying to do. In his opinion, Leafwhisk was a clever woman; she would never do something futile or submit her life to others. Did she really have a trump card to kill these Ghosts?

"Kekeke!" Suddenly the Ghost King started to crackle evilly. "I have never seen someone like you. Should I call you brave or stupid? However, I like your attitude. How about you become my woman and serve me? In return, I will let these people live."

Everyone's expression became weird after hearing his words. Ayaan couldn't hold himself and cursed, "fuck you piece of shit! You want her to serve you? Did you ever see your ugly face in the mirror? Even my shit is more handsome than you. And you want her to be your woman. There must be lots of water stuck in your head, Ghosty!"

This time everyone looked at him with a weird expression. No one expected him to burst into curses. Leafwhisk who was fuming with anger also looked at him in surprise. Not expecting him to react this strongly. Not just them, even Ayaan didn't know why he would curse like this after hearing this Ghosty's words. This was peculiar.

"You dared to insult me, human?" the Ghost King looked at him, anger appeared on his ugly dark face that released black fog continuously. "I was thinking of letting you live. However, now"

"Now your mother, " Ayaan again cursed. He had already infuriated the ghost, some more curses won't change anything anyway. "You better escape or you won't be able to make babies...err no, I don't think you can even make babies, now. You impotent ugly ghost, get lost!"

"Bastard, die!" the ghost shouted and was about to charge at Ayaan when Leafwhisk stood in front of him. Her expression improved quite a bit after Ayaan cursed this ghosty savagely. "Ghosty, didn't you hear what I said before? Two breaths time has long gone. Now you have to face your demise."

She looked at Ghost King and curled her lips. On her right hand laid a purple seed, around the size of a pea. She looked at the Ghost King and said, "goodbye, Ghosty." And threw the seed at the Ghost King. 

Poor Ghosty didn't think much about the seed and completely ignored it and dashed towards Ayaan. He wanted to kill him, at any cost. However, something happened that caught him off guard. The purple seed stuck to his ghostly body and disappeared. The ghost stiffened; his face filled with horror. He looked at Leafwhisk and shouted, "what did you do?!"

"I just released you from this damn life." She replied, no expression on her face. "Don't become a ghost in your next life."

"Arghh!" the ghost screamed, and his body decomposed, turning into a black gas. Everyone looked at the ghost in shock, including Ayaan. He looked at the black fog and screaming ghost and felt a chill throughout his body. The screams slowed down and became weak, and the majestic Ghost King disappeared, leaving nothing but a black fog behind. Ayaan hurriedly activated his breathing technique and all the black fog devoured by his body.

And just as the Ghost king died, a low-level ghost scattered at an unbelievable speed. Though they didn't know a human language like the Ghost King; they were very intelligent. As everyone looked at the fleeing ghosts, they sighed in relief. The danger had passed.

Everyone looked at Ayaan and saw him standing with closed eyes and didn't disturb. They waited for him to wake up. To their dismay, this wait lasted over two days. He opened his eyes only after two days. And in the meantime, everyone had to protect him from all the dangers. If it wasn't for Leafwhisk, they would have thought something bad happened to Ayaan.

He opened his eyes, and a white light discharged from his body, dashing towards the sky. It was the purified soul of the Ghost King. all his evil energy had already been snatched by Ayaan.

"Why didn't you advance after refining Ghost Kings energy? He was above Embryonic Realm after all. Though you won't be able to break through to the next level with that energy, there shouldn't be any problem in reaching the Peak of the Embryonic Realm." Asked Leafwhisk when she didn't see any increase in his strength.

"There was a huge amount of energy to refine, so I didn't do that immediately and sealed the energy in my body. I will be able to do that slowly. With this, my foundation also won't become unstable." Ayaan replied. Then looked at Leafwhisk with interest. "What was that thing, you used on the Ghost King?"

"Hehe, do you remember the Devil Hunter flower I found in the forest?" she asked.

"Yes, are you saying that thing was made by the purple flower you found previously?" he looked at Leafwhisk in shock.

"Yes, Devil Hunter is the bane for all evils. I have used some other medicines and turned into something even more powerful. You saw its effect, didn't you?" chuckled Leafwhisk. Her voice filled with pride.

Ayaan looked at her proud face and couldn't help but praise her medicine skills. She wasn't Wood Fairy for nothing. Her skills were too high in medicines; she could even fight and kill with her medicinal expertise.

"By the way, your cursing skills aren't bad; I like them quite a bit." Teased Leafwhisk. "I didn't know you have such a sharp tongue. If you want, with just your tongue you can infuriate even gods."

Her words made Ayaan embarrassed. He didn't know why he became so furious when he heard Ghost King's words. It was like someone had insulted his woman in front of him. But he never considered Leafwhisk his woman, nor Leafwhisk looked at him like she was interested. He couldn't understand.

"Oh, don't be so embarrassed." Leafwhisk laughed, thinking her words made him embarrassed. Ayaan looked at her and shook all the distraction out of his mind. He could tell that Leafwhisk didn't have any feelings for him. On the other hand, she had her own story, that he still didn't know. 

"Should we go and find Trista? I want to break her face." Proposed Noor. "I trusted her so much, that bitch!"

"You trusted her, but she never told you to trust her. That was your fault, so don't blame others. People with beautiful faces do not necessarily have a beautiful heart. However, you saw her beauty and your heart melted, "Ayaan looked at her. "If I didn't know you, I would have thought you are lesbian."

"Wh-what?" Noor looked at him in confusion. "What is lesbian?"

Ayaan curled his lips and murmured something in her ears. As he finished, Noor's face turned completely red. She looked at him furiously, and shouted, "you are too dirty-minded." 

"I accept your accusation, my lady." He shamelessly bowed towards Noor.

"Hey, I also want to know the meaning of lesbian." Isobel looked at the two and said, "what is lesbian?"

Rebecca and Leafwhisk also looked at the two in confusion. Akash blinked curiously as well. 

Noor glared at Ayaan and went towards the other three ladies and whispered. After she finished, everyone looked at Ayaan weirdly.

Ayaan placed his hand behind his head and said in a relaxed manner, "if you guys want to try, go ahead."

"You bastard!"

"Can't talk normally!?"

"Big sister Leafwhisk, he included you when he teased us. Are you going to stand by the side?"

"Hey, I never included Leafwhisk!"

"Everyone knows the truth, hmph!"

"Hey, stop, what are you.ahhh!"

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