Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 127: You are not worthy of my opponent

Chapter 127: You are not worthy of my opponent

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Long Dao as soon as possible!

"Oh my god, I'm really making a breakthrough. It's crazy to make a breakthrough in the war!"

The audience is already boiling.

Lu Ming actually broke through in the fierce battle, how strong willpower and firm determination does this require?

Ordinary people simply can't do it.

"Breakthrough? Not right, so to say, Lu Ming didn't reach the Wushu Jiuzhong before?"

"This this.."

Many disciples looked at each other, only then they realized that Lu Ming did not reach the martial arts ninth level.

Previously, Lu Ming was too strong, and his temperament was condensed and strong. Most of the disciples of the four courtyards naturally believed that Lu Ming's cultivation practice should be the warrior Jiuzhong.

Except for some strong elders with silver gowns or older who have long seen it, most disciples think so.

Now I suddenly found that Lu Ming's cultivation practice was only the peak of Martial Artist Eightfold, which is incredible.

Opened one by one, froze there.


The aura between heaven and earth kept converging towards the landing.

Lu Ming's breath rose rapidly.


Lu Ming's momentum was like a rainbow, and he officially set foot on the martial arts master.

"Lu Ming, even if you are a breakthrough, what's the use? Today is doomed to defeat!"

After a short shock, Duanmu Yunyang roared.

"Really? Lan Yue!"

Stepping into the warrior's ninth layer, Lu Ming's true energy was doubled, and the spear swept out, roaring like thunder.

bump! bump! ...

After a long gun sweep, a blood leopard burst in the air, and then continued to condense out, but the speed was much slower than before.

Duanmu Yunyang's move is not unbreakable, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, it will still collapse.

Just like Zhang Muyun's previous "strength", this move was defeated in one move.

"Lu Ming, you forced me, the blood was destroyed!"

Duanmu Yunyang yelled, a mouth of blood spewed out of his mouth, and even a drop of essence blood was carried in the blood.

Duanmu Yunyang is desperate, he can't accept defeat in Lu Ming's hands, even a drop of essential blood.

You have to know that there are only nine drops of essential blood in the human body. One drop is used. It is very difficult to recover. This is a matter of vitality.

The blood condensed in the air and turned into a blood leopard, slamming toward the landing.

These blood leopards are more solid and powerful than before.

"Hahaha, Lu Ming, I think how do you break? Let me die!"

Duanmu Yunyang laughed wildly, and his eyes were extremely cold.

Lu Mingsi was fearless, holding a spear, standing on the battle platform, looking at the blood leopard rushing at him indifferently, whispering in his mouth: "Duanmu Yunyang, my cultivation base has broken through, this farce should be ended!"


Duanmu Yunyang was shocked.

The four principals were stunned, the elders of the silver robes were stunned, and the disciples of the four yards were all stunned!

"Slapstick? What do you mean?"

But the next moment, they knew what it meant.


From Lu Ming, a breath of terror suddenly broke out, and this breath was brutal and powerful.

Everyone seemed to see a volcano erupting, hot magma spewing out, raging the world.

Potential, fire!

All the disciples in the four courtyards, all the elders in silver robe, including the dean of the four majors, opened their eyes wide one by one, opened their mouths, and looked at the tall figure on the battle platform inconceivably.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment, and the audience was silent.

Lu Ming was so shocked when she realized the potential.

Zhang Muyun was able to comprehend the potential, it was already amazing enough, but after all, he had been getting started for more than three years, but what about Lu Ming? But I started this year.


At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded, Lu Ming stabbed with a single shot, and the surging'potential', combined with the martial arts, turned into a gunshot.


The blood leopards who rushed to Lu Ming rushed to the ground and dissipated between the world. The guns kept bombarding Duanmu Yunyang. Duanmu Yunyang screamed and flew away.

"Duanmu Yunyang is defeated!"

I don't know who screamed and instantly lit the audience. The audience fell into a tumult.

"Lu Ming!"

Zhang Muyun whispered and stood up from his seat, showing a strong fighting intention in his eyes.

The four principals, the head of the group, also stood up from their seats, their eyes flickering and their expressions were different.

"Impossible? Impossible? How is it possible!"

Lu Yunxiong and Lu Yao kept shaking their heads, making it hard to accept all of this.

"Ah! Why? Why?"

On the battle platform, Duanmu Yunyang struggled to get up, his hair disheveled, and the hysterical roar, unable to bear all this.

Lu Ming looked at Duanmu Yunyang indifferently and said, "Duanmu Yunyang, you weren't quite confident before, saying that you will never lose to me, and that losing to me is a big joke, what now?"

Lu Ming said, taking a step forward, gazing at Duanmu Yunyang.

"Duanmu Yunyang, you are arrogant and arrogant, no one in your eyes, always say you want to get back your glory, what glory do you have? Apart from relying on the family, what are you? Without the Duanmu family, you are nothing ."

Lu Ming said, like a sharp blade, thrust into Duanmu Yunyang's heart.

"No, no, it's not like this, you bullshit, you bullshit, how could this be?"

Duanmu Yunyang had her hair scattered and yelled indiscriminately, as if she were crazy.

Before, he was extremely domineering and self-confident. He did not take Lu Ming into his eyes at all, thinking that he would never lose.

But the reality is that, under the eyes of everyone, it is a defeat. For a person as proud as him, the blow is too great.

"Lu Ming, shut me up!"

The Dean of the White Tiger Academy roared and burst like a thunder.

"Yunyang, don't wake up yet!"

The dean of Baihuyuan wanted to repay the cause and awaken Duanmu Yunyang.

It's a pity that Duanmu Yunyang didn't wake up as before

Lu Ming sneered at the corner of his mouth, directly ignoring the dean of Baihuyuan, and shouted: "Duanmu Yunyang, you lost today, and you will never be my opponent, and you are not worthy of my opponent!"

You are not worthy of my opponent!

This sentence, directly into the depths of Duanmu Yunyang's soul.

"No, no, I am invincible!"

Duanmu Yunyang yelled, his eyes were red, and then a mouthful of blood spewed out, falling to the ground and coma.

"Damn, little bastard, I'll kill you."

The Dean of the White Tiger Academy was furious, with a breath like a sea, strong and extreme, pressing against Lu Ming.


In an instant, Lu Ming seemed to be crushed by a big mountain, unmatched, a spit of blood spewed out, and his body retreated several tens of meters back.

"Duanmu breaks the army, what are you doing?"

President Suzaku was furious, and a strong breath rushed out, blocking the breath of President Bai Hu.

"What? Lu Ming, this little bastard, deliberately destroys Yunyang's state of mind and breaks his martial arts path.

The president of Baihuyuan shouted.

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