Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 441: 256_1

Chapter 441: 256_1

Translator: 549690339
The Beast King gave the Half-step Saint Seat a contemptuous glance. Was it possible for him to spare Logan? The odds of Logan surviving the Thunder Tribulation were dismal but that did not mean he couldn’t – after all, Logan was exceptional.

“What’s this? Feeling merciful?” The Beast King asked sarcastically, his words dripping with disdain. The Half-step Saint-Seated Demon Beast had always been resolute and ruthless. Why was he hesitating now? He had lost his usual vigor. As the Beast King, he was annoyed by the indecisiveness of this subordinate who continued to question his orders.

“I’ve just been thinking, if we push Logan into a corner, he will certainly plot his revenge. Perhaps it’s better to let nature take its course. As long as Logan doesn’t feel desperate, the Minor World would scarcely be destroyed by the Thunder Tribulation. We shouldn’t overreact to him since he’s already on the edge.”

The Half-step Saint Seat Demon Beast did not admit to being merciful but subtly changed the subject, hoping the Beast King would clearly assess the pros and cons of their situation. Yes, he did feel sympathy for Logan once, but his determination to kill Logan, for the sake of the Demon Beast clan, had not waned. His dilemma was for the sake of the Demon Beasts as well.

“Foolish, even if there’s the slightest possibility of a breakthrough, can you be sure Logan won’t be the chosen one? Remember how you were trapped by Logan’s terrifying arrays? If we allow Logan to grow, what will befall our millions of Demon Beasts?”

“Moreover, the Heavenly Saint Daoist has not perished. If he joins forces with Logan to retaliate and invade, how should our Demon Beast clan respond? It would take me ten more days to fully recover, I won’t be able to help during this period, and Logan knows our current situation well.”

The Beast King’s eyes were filled with murderous intent, as he issued another command, “I have a plan. Return to the Minor World once more and give Logan an elixir for healing. Tell him it will help him break through the Thunder Tribulation and turn enemies into friends. Catch him off-guard and eradicate him. This way, he would have no opportunity to become desperate.”

The Half-step Saint Seat Demon Beast was stunned upon hearing his words. He had tolerated the ingratitude before, but now he was required to play the villain to the hilt, trying to trap Logan in this manner left him speechless. Have the Beast King already forgotten the time when Logan bravely fought the Heavenly Saint Daoist alone to save their lives?

“Understood.” He managed to reply, fully aware the Beast King was not about to change his mind. More talking would be pointless. After all, he was a mere subordinate, obligated to follow the Beast King’s orders. Since he had chosen to be the villain, he might as well be perceived as conniving and petty as well.

The Beast King nodded in satisfaction and didn’t forget to praise him: “You’re one of my most trusted subordinates. After this matter, I will appoint you as Deputy Beast King, and together we’ll lead our millions of Demon Beasts in the mountains. I can also lend you my power, raising your realm to another level.”

The Half-step Saint Seat Demon Beast didn’t respond. Once this matter was over, he had already grown tired of everything. All he wanted was to leave this mountains, after guarding it for a century, he yearned to explore the world beyond these confines. With the Beast King’s presence, he could leave without worrying about the well-being of the millions of mountain-dwelling Demon Beasts.

“This is the elixir. Its contents are not for healing but are infused will deadly poison. If you don’t have the opportunity to kill Logan, don’t force it. As long as he consumes the elixir, death by poisoning will follow shortly, it would just take a bit more time.”

Having received the elixir, the Half-step Saint Seat Demon Beast returned to the Minor World. Bart Cloud and Lowen Shingo, both fully recovered, rushed forward, their faces filled with hostility. They surrounded him, ready for any possible skirmish.

He promptly laughed and explained: “I’m not here to cause trouble, merely to deliver a healing elixir to Logan. With this, it will be easier for Logan to breakthrough. He’s seriously injured and has been struck by lightning, he won’t be able to last much longer.”

“The sly weasel harbors ill will, even on New Year’s Day. You were conspiring against us not so long ago, has that been forgotten so quickly? Or do you believe we’re gullible enough to fall for your trick?”

Lowen Shingo mocked him, his face showing disgust and contempt. This ploy was too obvious – a man with no business in hand always finds himself up to no good. The Half-step Saint Seat Demon Beast returned for a cause, they were certain he wasn’t just here to offer a healing elixir. Neither moved an inch.

“This is a long story. The Beast King ordered me to kill the three of you earlier, but as soon as I went out, I found out the Tree King had merely lost control due to just having regained his consciousness. After sobering up and reminiscing, he regretted his actions deeply. The Beast King wished he could come in personally to apologize.”

“I decided to come here myself to prevent misunderstandings from escalating. You should consider the broader picture, I’ve already reached Half-step Saint Seat, there’s no point in deceiving you. If I had the intention to kill you, why wouldn’t I just do it outright?”

The Half-step Saint Seat Demon Beast sighed, exuding an aura of helplessness: “You need to understand the Beast King was in deep sleep for a century, he was temporarily deluded. Plus, it’s all due to the soul obsession planted by the Heavenly Saint Daoist a hundred years ago. The Beast King hasn’t forgotten Logan’s life-saving grace. I stake my life on this.”

His earnest speech made Lowen Shingo and Bart Cloud start to believe him, they had no choice. They could only believe his new motive was friendly instead of hostile, because they were not strong enough to contest him. But they remained cautious, wary of falling into a carefully plotted scheme.

“Very well, you’re not allowed near Logan. Leave the healing elixir here and then leave the Minor World. We will pass the elixir to him.” Bart Cloud thought for a while and proposed a compromise, allowing the Half-step Saint Seat Demon Beast nowhere near Logan, thus rendering any potential schemes pointless.

This suggestion went down well with Lowen Shingo. Whatever happened, they could not let him approach Logan. Just moments ago they were fighting, but now suddenly he was acting friendly – this sudden change in attitude seemed highly suspicious. They would not risk Logan’s life. Logan, who was at the verge of life and death after the Thunder Tribulation, could not afford another attack.

The Half-step Saint Seat Demon Beast pretended to be embarrassed, but still agreed: “Alright, but make sure Logan takes the elixir promptly. The Beast King spent decades making this elixir – it contains potent healing properties, it could be of great assistance to Logan. To prove to you my sincerity, I will consume one myself. Watch closely.”

After saying this, he took out an elixir and swallowed. Moments later, seeing that nothing had happened to him, Lowen Shingo and Bart Cloud disposed of their doubts. They resolved to give the elixir to Logan. Meanwhile, the Half-step Saint Seat Demon Beast smirked. Before coming here, he had already taken an antidote.

Lowen Shingo, carrying an elixir, approached Logan, standing around a hundred meters away. If he went any closer, he would be attacked by the Thunder Tribulation. He then tossed the elixir to Logan. Upon learning this was given by the Beast King, Logan frowned, sensing that something wasn’t right.

“No need for this, I want to rely on myself to endure this. I don’t need a healing elixir. Otherwise, I would take an elixir of the Rule, isn’t its effect far superior? Don’t disgrace the Beast King anymore. No one should hit a smiling face. Humor him.”

Logan threw the elixir away, which stunned the Half-step Saint Seat Demon Beast. After a tedious and well-performed act that convinced Lowen Shingo and Bart Cloud, Logan had apparently foiled his plan.

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