Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 110: Experience Is Important

Chapter 110: Experience Is Important

"Huh?" Laz was out of it, so he had no idea if what he heard was what she said. She wasn't about to clarify though. Instead, Kat giggled and grabbed Laz's hand while standing up. Laz got to his feet quickly but his legs felt like lead which made Kat have to drag him.

"Where we going?" Laz had never been in the back part of the apartment before.

"Shhh... not so loud.... you're gonna wake my dad..." Kat giggled even more as she dragged him by his hand.

"Oooohhhh.... sorry" Laz said really quietly. Both of them did their best to sneak, but Kat ended up knocking over a lamp that was in the hall way, causing both of them to freeze.

"Shhhhh," Kat said to the lamp as both she and Laz tried to pick it up and set it right. Once they finally got it, they continued their sneaky walk. When they finally stopped, they were at a door. Kat looked left and then right before opening the door and dragging Laz inside.

The room was rather well decorated in various colors of pink, red and white, giving it a very girlish vibe. Of course, there were workout magazines all over the floor along with weights, a yoga mat and other various pieces of equipment that Laz couldn't identify.

"Uhh... what are we doing here?" Laz had no idea why they were here and got the weird feeling that he was going to be made to do some drunken workout routine. But Kat changed his mind in an instant. She quickly switched off the light that lead to the room being illuminated by only some string lights that had been hung on the walls. She then proceeded to throw him on the bed before he could do anything else.

Standing in only the soft light from the string lights, Kat proceeded to remove her tank top and shorts. As Laz had previously guessed, she wasn't wearing anything underneath. Although he had seen almost everything before and felt everything, seeing her standing there fully exposed shocked Laz like a jolt through his body.

Her nicely tanned skin seemed to have a faint natural glow that caused her to look almost heavenly. Her breasts were just as firm as when she was wearing a sports bra while they peaked at her cute little dark pink nippes. Further down, Laz admired her well developed six pack that accented her razor sharp curves. Finally, his eyes rested on the small, well groomed patch of hair, showing the path to heaven. Her bottom lips looked a bit moist in the soft light, which accented the darker pink color nicely. Overall, she had that wild and exotic look that was hard to find and impossible not to enjoy.

"Well... come on now.... don't make me do it for you?"

"Huh? Oh yeah..." Kat was pointed at Laz which made him quickly figure out what she wanted. Laz quickly stripped, although the clothes gave him a bit of trouble due to his current lack of coordination.

"Really? Let me..." Kat, getting impatient, quickly jumped on Laz to give him a hand. Ripping off his pants and boxers with one clean swipe, Laz was left laying on the bed completely exposed. Kat, looking just like a cat who had caught a mouse, quickly eyed her target. Laz's rather massive manhood had gone stiff and was standing erect, pointing right at it's target.

"My god... I thought it was... but this... Damn boy..." Some things looked a bit bigger when it was light enough to see it.

Kat smiled as though she had found her toy. Leaping forward, she pressed her lips to his, viciously kissing him. Their tongues moved around, locked in a fierce battle. Laz didn't have much experience with this, but Kat was more than happy to lead while he followed. Her hand never stopped either, moving between his well defined muscles and his raging man meat. After a few minutes of kissing though, Kat pulled back and flipped around, giving her a face full of shaft while offering Laz the chance to french kiss her other lips.

Between the two of them, Kat was way more sensitive while also having more experience. She would alternate between icking Laz up and down while fondling his balls to occasionally biting him and using her teeth to scrape along his skin. Laz didn't back down either, running his tongue up and down her sweet, moist lips. Despite his muddled head, he didn't forget the thing he had learned the other day.

Without warning, Laz used a finger to quickly swoosh around inside Kat's love slit before sliding it upwards. Before she knew what he was doing, he gently but firmly inserted it into her other free hole, causing her already sensitive body to start shaking. Moving it back and forth like a piston, Laz teased her even more by quickly nibbling her quivering cit, causing her to go off the edge. This time though, Laz was ready for it, closing his eyes before the shower came.

"AHHH..." Kat's body stopped shuddering after a few.

"That's mean. But since you started it, you'd better finish it," Kat suddenly warned. Not letting go of Laz's flag staff, she leaned over and reached for something under the bed. Shuffling for a while, she finally pulled something other. With her back still to Laz, he heard a ripping sound before Kat leaned back. Feeling a cooling yet restrictive sensation cover his member, Laz finally saw that she had wrapped him in a condom. Although he had not used one, he didn't feel it was a bad idea.

"This get you out of the mood?" Kat asked with a grin.

"Does it look like it?" Laz said, indicating his still lofty self.

"Mmmm... good answer." Kat pulled Laz up from his laying down position so that he was on his knees in front of her. She then leaned forward away from him planting her head down on the bed before looking back. With her ass up in the air, she spread her cheeks and looked into Laz's eyes..

"Go slow, or I'll kill you!"

"Yes mam!" Laz replied with full seriousness.

Getting into position, he rubbed his stick against her lower lips a few times, up and down as he made ready to plunge in.



"The other one..." Kat said while looking as red as a tomato.

As per her instructions, Laz moved himself up a little higher and with the care of a person disarming a bomb, he pushed himself into her tight yet well lubricated opening. She clinched up almost immediately in response, making it impossible to go any further. After several attempts, Laz couldn't make any progress. Not thinking in his drunken state, Laz proceeded to swing his hand and spank the unresponsive ass, causing her body to stiffen further before suddenly becoming a bit limp. Seeing her response, Laz continued his fight, successfully getting in around half way before she stiffened up again.

Just as he was about to repeat his actions, he heard her weak voice,

"No further. Just start fucking it..." After receiving his orders, Laz did exactly that, thrusting in and out with a passion. Kat's moans became louder and louder as she got closer and closer to climaxing. When she couldn't hang on anymore, Laz felt her body shake over and over again as she began going even more limp and almost causing him to fall out. When that happened, he would spank her a few times to wake her up and the process began over again.

After over ten minutes of this, Kat climaxed one one time before she went completely still and refused to move, her body moving up and down on the bed with the sounds of her labored breathing echoing throughout the room.

Despite not cumming himself, Laz fell back, completely exiting Kat's peasure rocked body. It was actually quite taxing to move his hips that hard for that long as it wasn't something he did normally.

When Kat finally recovered enough to move, she circled around and grabbed Laz's head, pulling him to her and kissing him deeply. As they separated, she looked down at his gloved shaft that was covered in her various bodily fluids and noticed he hadn't come yet. She carefully removed the now useless condom, wrapped it in a tissue and threw it away. After making sure everything was clean, she pushed Laz backwards so that he laid on the bed again and mounted him.

"I hope that whiskey dick holds up," she said with a devilish smile.

"Whiskey dick?" Laz hadn't heard this phrase before.

Kat didn't answer but stood up while positioning him underneath her with her hand. As she slowly lowered herself down, her eyes got wider and wider as he went deeper and deeper. Unlike hie previous experiences, Kat was able to take almost the whole thing before he hit her womb. Without waiting for Laz's opinion, Kat rode him like a rodeo bull, rocking her hips on occasion to savor the feeling of being filled.

The fight lasted for almost an hour as their sweat covered bodies clashed together. Laz helped her out more than once by using her breasts as grips as he pulled her to him while thrusting his hips. Various amounts of bites and scratch marks covered both their bodies as they neared a simultaneous orgasm. Just when Laz was about to cum, his eyes became a deep red while Kat's body shined a light bronze color. Their energies began meshing while he pumped his load straight into her. Kat continued to climax as their energies circulated back and forth, locking their bodies together.

When the light finally faded, Laz could feel himself bursting with energy that felt like it would tear him apart while Kat was trying her best to control her energy.

"Circulate it, quickly!" Kat yelled as she assumed her lotus position, causing Laz to follow her lead.

Various specks of energy could be seen floating through the air as they tried their best to get things under control. Neither spoke for a time but both could feel their inner condensed energy getting tighter and tighter as it was fueled with each other's source essence.

When they finally reached inner harmony again, Kat was finally at the peak stage of awakening with her energy halfway condensed while Laz was almost completely condensed. In fact, he felt like he was just missing something to go to the next stage although he didn't know what it was. It was like, he had the power source ready, but it wasn't plugged in just yet. He had questions, but he didn't know where to look for answers.

Finishing at the same time, Kat and Laz opened their eyes and looked into one another's, seeing the feelings behind the gazes. Before Laz could open his mouth to say something, he saw Kat's eye's roll into the back of her head as she fell forward on top of him.

Quickly catching her, he checked to make sure she was still breathing and realized she must had passed out from exhaustion.

"Thank god, she's fine..." was the only thing Laz managed to get out before he passed out as well.

Many dreams visited Laz in in drunken, sexed up state, but none managed to stay with him for more than a few minutes. As he could always feel Kat's warm body next to his, he finally fell into the comforting blackness were dreams couldn't reach.

Time ticked by and midnight had already blown past. Laz snapped out of his peaceful slumber as he felt like there was a voice calling out through the void to him. With his eyes opened and his hands wrapped around Kat, he listened closer before he heard it again.

"KAT... LAZ?"

'What was that now? Some how it seems familiar...' It rang a bell, but currently in Laz's head, a lot of ringing was taking place.


'FUCK ME!' Laz screamed to himself as he tried to move Kat off of him and wake her.

Jon was home.

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