Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 543: DXLIII. The Former Packmaster

Chapter 543: DXLIII. The Former Packmaster

After being loaded enough, without adding anything else, the two armies joined and arranged neatly into a single large row, led by the best wolf warriors, including Bloodfang and his bodyguards and Kranus and his Masters, who rode proudly to the exit from the natural walls of the Randt Mastiff.

Once out of the south entrance, slightly increasing the speed of the march, which however was also intended to allow the soldiers on foot to keep up, the army of the new alliance headed for Klorr, west of the Mastiff, in the direction of the coast. 

During the march, Dag and his companions could not help but notice that none of the Claws Of Fenrir had a horse.

"What about your horses?" Kron asked Thyrius, trying to satisfy his curiosity.

"We don't need horses. Our muscles are much more trained than yours and we travel much faster than you. If only we wanted to, we get to Kloor in about an hour and you would lose the tail" Bloodfang replied, with an air of superiority.

"You mean in the form of wolves?" Dag added. 

"Exactly... we're not doing this because it would be a waste of energy and because in this case, it is useless to separate our army and disperse our forces ... by the way... where is the wolf who followed you the other time?" Bloodfang replied, who knew about Thalos even though he had not seen him personally, having remained to guard the horses.

"Thalos stayed in Tungvek with Claire, the girl you reduced to death" Dag answered crudely, looking at Bloodfang with a menacing gaze and making him realize that it was better not to get into that topic, which would easily make him lose control.

"Ah, yes... the girl... well, how could I know she was a close friend of a warrior who would become my ally? I needed information and someone had to give it to me... ehehe... I saw that she was very fragile and was unable to fight and I took advantage of her a little bit! But now it's all behind us, right? Eheheh!" 

Dag pretended not to hear the evil giggles between words coming from Thyrius' mouth and tried not to think about what Claire had suffered when she was locked in that cage.

"Anyway... it is interesting that a wolf spontaneously decided to follow you... we wolves are..." 

"Thalos is not like you" Dag interrupted, immediately cutting Bloodfang's speech, without even giving him time to continue.

"When we first met, I was alone. I had been exiled and had no friends, no one to talk to. At first, I thought he was just one of the animals wandering around the farm, but when we looked at each other in the eye a friendship was born so strong that it has lasted since then. I never gave him anything in return, I never forced him to do anything. He's part of me and likewise, I'm very important to him. He traveled two whole regions just to follow me on my journey, I doubt that any of you Claws Of Fenrir would do the same thing for someone" the young Master continued, explaining the fact that he did not appreciate that speech, nor the overbearing personality of Thyrius.

"I understand... well, the bond that unites you is a very rare thing... as you could see with your own eyes, even we, who can transform ourselves, have difficulty taming wolves, who in the Krypstorm area in which we have lived so far, are very wary and rarely approach man" Thyrius replied in a heartbroken tone as if envying the friendship between Dag and Thalos.

After that sentence, there was a few minutes' silence during which Dag watched Freydis ride immediately after him and then looked around, noting that the only thing that was still visible in the distance were the high mountains of the Randt Mastiff, now several kilometers behind them.

"Do you think we have any chance of finding the head of Lies Of Loki in Klorr?" he asked, taking Bloodfang by surprise, who was immersed in his thoughts and wasn't paying much attention.

"Who are you talking about? Hakon? I remember that you hold a grudge against him... listen... there are more likely to be other Masters of their Clan, but Hakon will most likely be in their real capital, Dolken. That's where he lives" Thyrius replied with certainty.

"Other Masters? So you know the hierarchical subdivision of their Clan? How many Masters are there?" Dag asked again, intrigued.

"As far as I know, there are four of them. Four Masters and four specific disciplines that derive from the trickster God, Asgard's traitor..." 

"Four Masters... well, I'm not going to spare any of them. They deserve to die for what they did..." Dag thought, avoiding speaking so violently for no reason, only for the repressed hatred he had towards them.

"When Klorr was still under our control, my father and family lived in the highest castle of the city, from which it was possible to see every corner of it with extreme precision, being built on a hill, then downhill" Bloodfang continued, speaking to Dag about his past even though he had not asked him anything.

"Your father?" 

"My father, the one who was Packmaster before me... before I killed him" Thyrius replied, who no longer had the usual smile on his face.

"So that's how it works, just like in a pack of ferocious beasts... the strongest commands over others, right? This means that if there was someone stronger than you among your men..." 

"He would have the right to challenge me and take my place. But to do that, he would have to pass over my dead body. Only death will mark the end of my command over the Claws Of Fenrir." 

"I still don't understand what your father's story has to do with all this" Dag continued, pretending to be disinterested and urging Thyrius to continue the story, while Freydis, Kron, and Reidar also listened in silence, getting closer and closer with their horses to Dag's.

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