A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 108: Purple witch

Chapter 108: Purple witch

Two people were walking, some distance from Halekuwait in a spot overgrown by vegetation.

Ivan, I can see it there. Just a little but more, come on!

A grey skinned bald headed man said, his Nam was Kromuel, a warrior of the Dams Kale empire.

I dont want you around me. Youre a snake person and Im a human, our bodies are totally different!

She wore a purple witches robe, a witches hat and she carried a brown cane with her. This woman was Ivan toware, a mage of the Dams Kale empire.

More importantly though, arent you going to put in any clothes?

Im always like this. I have a rule that I dont wear anything on my upper body. Its easier to move that way.

These two had walked a long way from the empire at this point.

Over there is..what again?

Nito, the enemy of the empire. Nito.

Right right! Nito! who was the other person?

Did you forget your mission? You seriously have to ask me?

No! Im just hot and tired.

I see..

Kromuel had a hard expression but Ivans appearance spoke for itself. She her robe was much shorter than necessary and exposed her cleavage, if not for the witches hat she might have been mistaken as a prostitute.

Raj said to avoid fighting Nito, instead you should attack the pink haired girl by his side.

I see. Right right, I just forgot because we didnt know her name.

A sweaty Ivan and Kromuel headed for Halekuwait.

On the grounds of Halekuwait, Patrick stood with Toa, Nem, and Sufilia, his match had just finished.

Now that the match is over lets go meet up with Nito. I asked him not to watch but, I at least have to tell him the results of the match.

That actually it looks like hes gone out again today.

Nito said that he was going out but he hadnt told them where he was going.

Hmmm, I wonder where he went this time? He sure has been leaving a lot recently, whats he up too?

He wont tell us, he says something about killing time, then disappears.

I saw him leaving the room in the middle of the night so I followed him, but I lost sight of him around the corner.

According to Sufilia Masamune was disappearing at night as well.

Where and what in the world is he doing?

Toa has no idea.

Going to the dungeon!


All three of them had a stupid look on their face at Nems answer.

Dungeon? Youre saying hes at the dungeon?

Toa asked.

Yes! Master often goes to the dungeon from this weird black circle place.

Black circle place?

Nems story didnt seem to make sense and the other three were even more confused.

I dont really understand but that fine. So hes in the dungeon now then?

Nem doesnt know, but he went through the circle place again.

For the time being they assumed that Masamune had gone to the dungeon.

So what do we do now?

Sorry but, Im going to the training grounds.

At that Sarah and Yui appeared.

Patrick, you didnt go tell Nito the results?

Sarah asked.

It doesnt look like hes here.

Oh. So, the training grounds then?

Lets go! We dont have to wait for him to return!

Patrick sighed, he seemed to be tired of dealing with Yui.

Let me know if Nito comes back please?

After that Patrick disappeared. But the next moment a howling sound rang out through the school. They instinctively covered their ears but the the school wasnt equipped with an audio system, all communication was dont magically.

Hey can you hear me? This is Kromuel, a warrior of the Dams Kale empire.

Hey, my turn now.

Oi! Shut up!

Hiiiii! Im Ivan and imperial mage. We took a hostage! If you dont want them to die then Nitos women should come to the gate.

Hey, give me it!

It seemed like something was happening between the two.

Oh by the way, we have no use for Nito. Just his companions, if he or anyone else tries to resist we will kill him. This goes for both students and teachers as well.

The announcement cut out.

Hey, .that.

Yeah, they were probably talking about us.

Masters companions means Nem too?

Masamune wasnt currently here and they didnt know when he would be back. The wondered what they should do but they were also pretty concerned about the hostages, while they were thinking students could be killed.

I mean, hostages dont have anything to do with me. Lord Nito would probably say the same thing.

Theres no way Nito would say that! He would definitely help them.

However Toa remembered the kings shield and how strong he was.

I dont really want to? What would you do if they were like the kings shield? We wouldnt be able to take them on would we?

At the moment Sufilias level is lower than Nems and shes not equipped for combat at all, nor is she very strong.

Lets go for now, we dont know who it is but they were calling us.

Toa felt guilty and wanted to go, she couldnt over look the possibility of other students being killed.

Nem.is scared.

Nem looked down as she said this. Sufilia was opposed and believed that this situation was best left to the principal.

Lets . Lets just go look. If it seems dangerous we can just leave.

Toas expression slowly turned fearful and then the three of them ran.

The front gate was crowded.

There were tons of students there and teachers instructing them to return inside the school building. But most of the students looked amused and didnt move.

There a school girl could be seen crying between Ivan and Kromuel. Although she cries the duo paid her no attention. And facing the two was the principal Sabrina Kidman.

What sort of business does the empire have with this school?

Sabrina glared at them as her hair fluttered in the wind.

Like we said. If you want to save this students life then call Nitos companions here immediately.

Kromuel was eyeing the principal.

They are students at this school! I wont allow you to do as you please.

This is the will of the empire, its not good for you to speak out against it.

Sabrina didnt quite understand what he was saying and paused for a moment looking into his eyes.

Youre a snake person?

Kromuel didnt reply.

How rare.

There grey skin and their eyes filled people with fear and they were often persecuted so they very rarely left their villages. However some time in the past most of those villages were destroyed and the population scattered. Very few survived and were forced to live elsewhere, they were rarely accepted. Kromuel was one of those survivors.

Theres not many snake people left.

If you dont shut that mouth of yours. Ill kill you first.

Kromuel was still standing completely still as he said this. Not even his eyebrows twitched. Sabrina had been trying to distract them but she realized that shed failed.

Dont make me too angry ok.

Ivan sat down.

Hey! Are they still not here!? Weve been waiting for ever! Youre the principal right? Bring them here!

Ivan seemed fed up with the situation but Sabrina doesnt say anything back.

Sabrina was looking for an opening, a chance to get the hostage away safely but she couldnt see one. Then the three of them arrived, Sabrina was stunned.

Whyare you here?

Sabrina didnt want them here, we was sure that this was going to evolve into a mini war at this rate. Sabrina had been trying to take care of things without fighting.

Theyre the empire?

Toa, Nem and Sufilia were standing there.

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